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i thing people throw things in anger because they need to show their anger to someone. So, it is better if the anger is shown to some things which doesn't have life. i always show my anger to my cell phone. But, still its working for me.. :lol: :lol: :laugh:

It may still be better to divert anger towards yourself. My father would beat his own forehead when in anger.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

i thing people throw things in anger because they need to show their anger to someone. So, it is better if the anger is shown to some things which doesn't have life. i always show my anger to my cell phone. But, still its working for me.. :lol: :lol: :laugh:

It may still be better to divert anger towards yourself. My father would beat his own forehead when in anger.

My father too!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
In Delhi where are you living Sanjeev .....i live in saket.
In Delhi where are you living Sanjeev .....i live in saket.

try to answer to topic.
You can use PM options to ask personal questions. :) :)

Meera sandhu
Thanks for your suggestion but someone is also discussing personal matter but i never seen any of your message like you send to me........
Throwing things in anger is psychological imbalance. anger, happiness feeling are emotions. So anger emotion is bursting out by throwing things

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ya that's why i cool down myself by throwing things when i am in anger.
This anger wont be for long time after some time it cools.

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Ya when i throw two or three things i become cool and feel guilt why i throw.......
Yes this is common after that we will feel a lot for that things.

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