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Ya they definatel get anger whether our anger gets cool or not.
Being anger or becoming anger soon will give loss to us. People will afraid to talk to you and no one will show interest to be your friend

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ya that's the true but every one has some demerit it doesn't mean that no one is your friend.
though the people who become anger soon may have friends but those friends maintain the friendship with anger person very carefully

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

YA they know his/her nature when he/she get angry what he/she have to do.
the friend who is a friend of anger friend will deal very softly and be good support to that anger friend and try to reduce the anger

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ya friend means friend for ever and in any situation.
Asha there are few friends who do friendship for the sake of fullfilling their needs. like i have one friend, who want to go out but cannot go alone . so she need some one to acompany her. so she calls me. there is no much friendship with her but she behave that i am only the best friend of her so that i feel good and go with her to fullfill her works

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala one of my friend is also like her she always live with me because she want vehicles from me........
as im very late replying to this thread so i cant go through all psts but in my opinion throwing things in anger is because in anger people either shout either beat or throw things, so better to shout and beat throw things it can calm your anger even people do cry also in anger that also calms down anger. i have read somewher and even told by a doctor that if you will nottake out your anger you can have many problems like high blood pressure problem, diabbeties also as anger sometimes results into tension and that too causes diabbeties and even heart problems like heart attack also.
so better to take that out.and if we will shout in anger then may be some inappropriate words come out from our mouth and we may feel bad and can hurt others also.people often get heart attack when they have anger.

i myself a short tempered person and in anger i do throw things even i have broken my 3 mobile phones, tv remote, a glass, an orange, guava, geometry box,pencil, pen cap many times, scale. i remember this much only.

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