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Hey great work you are doing means to say that you attack on peoples by your sweets words......
You know this is more dangerous because you never know what is happening. You are being scolded or loved.

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there is nothing danger. so with those soft words they will understand that you are suffering from that person

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes we call it 'sweet dagger' in a saying. That cuts but no pain occurs.

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Anger differentiate between the animal and human. This is the true myth.

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yes, sunil ji, It should be like, that the snake should die but the stick should break

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I am sure you mean that stick should not break, yes I agree with you but I can not show my anger openly or otherwise as marketing professionals are trained to keep it hidden and correct the ways of self or others in due course.

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Now a days i stopped fighting when i get anger. so keep calm and when time comes with soft words i attack people

It is always better as by getting angry and talking loudly we not only harm others but also harm our self. :evil:
This is very good for your health if you shout loud and scream at full throat that will give you immediate relief in your anger control. :whistle:

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This is very good for your health if you shout loud and scream at full throat that will give you immediate relief in your anger control. :whistle:

And what about the head aches it may give afterwards. :laugh:
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