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Ya like that after commiting mistake we feel bad for commiting mistake.
Yes this will be felt by many members committing mistake is so easy than correcting it.

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But now a days my anger is bit increased, so i started doing meditation. So it god controlled. If any one say anything, i am being calm saying to myself let them comment or scold nothing will happend if they say you dog , you wont become dog right so why to give back answer and become angry

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes doing meditation will help us to control anger. Which is the best way to get rid of several diseases.

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Hey this is the good idea to decrease the anger i must try this in home..........
Better you express your anger in some way rather than burning inside!!!! It's my solution!!

Meera sandhu
Ya this will also increase our body power .am i right?
Meditation will increase body power but not expreseeing anger in a different way.

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I always let it go by my own ways. I generally punch boxing bag, go walk in park or do some yoga. Drinking water helps too.

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YA here i learn many new ways to reduce my anger......i definitely try all the ideas.
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