Our mind stops learning the moment we start finding faults with our elders who taught us A... B... C... in nursary.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
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Finding faults in others is easy than to finding faults in ourself and correcting them.No doubt no one can learn anything if he/she starts finding faults in people who taught us everything. :blink:
yes,you are right. when a person starts finding faults in others then that person's mind surely stop learning.

Sanjeev you have done a good job by pulling this thread

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Our mind stops learning the moment we start finding faults with our elders who taught us A... B... C... in nursary.

- Harish Jharia

This is because they are involved in others so much that they forget in ourselves. This is something we should stop and try to think ourselves.

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This says we must respect our elders.I know sometimes they are wrong but to say them wrong is actually wrong. :)
Our mind stop learning when we are learning for a long time.It also got relaxatio when it become bore.
Our mind stop learning when we are learning for a long time.It also got relaxatio when it become bore.

Is it so? I don't think so. I mind never stops to think.Our thoughts are unlimited.So,our mind never stops learning.

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Even my mind also never stop thinking. Online while doing meditation i try to stop my mind and concentrate on my breath

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Even my mind also never stop thinking. Online while doing meditation i try to stop my mind and concentrate on my breath

Let me tell you,what i have heard. I have heard that in all day,we get 70,000 thoughts. :ohmy:

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Oh my God, in meditation they tell us that we need to cut all thoughts and finally we should not get any thought then positive energy generates

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Oh my God, in meditation they tell us that we need to cut all thoughts and finally we should not get any thought then positive energy generates

Its difficult to control all thoughts.We can have control on some thoughts only.

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