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No need to say thanks Abid. I am loving it here and I will try to help where ever I can!!
OK Arun.I think members will make use of you to solve the issues and doubts in this regard.

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Frankly he has debunked many of our earlier beliefs and his posts greatly helped in understanding some of the technical aspects very well!
@Abid - I am ever ready to render my services in any department within my area of expertise and knowledge.

@Chinmoy - Thanks man!!
@ Arun

your posts are very helpful and useful have cleared many doubts...thanks and keep sharing...
You have made my cheeks pink...appreciate your compliments!!
Yes Arun . That is the way we need.Members should have benefits from other members also.You are doing the same.Congratulations.

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I too appreciate all your valuable suggestions and contributions.
Thanks so much Abid and Nagalakshmi.
my application too was also rejected..But my friend has created one for me.
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