my blog address is and i want to monetize this blog with AdSense.
But google rejects my application stating that my blog address is not of top level domain. I've seen many google ads on other blogger blogs, But why they aren't accepting my request...??? :unsure:
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I think now we have Arun in our midst who can guide you in this respect.
Thats strange Akshay, because google always accepts their properties. I got my adsense a/c through google sites. I guess there might be some glitch when you applied and it would be worthwhile to try submitting the application again.

Also, google employee Robin agrees with what I said above and he also has responded to your query. Robin wants to know what error are you exactly getting while submitting the form. I would highly suggest that you visit the thread started by you and follow up on it. Here is the link for your convenience:

Also, I would suggest that you fill your blog with unique original content. I have taken a look at your first blog post titled "Drink coffee and keep away gout" and it is exactly the same article which you wrote at

Also, it would be in your best interest if you apply through TLDs(Top level domain) which is 6 months old as google wants publisher from India and China to maintain a web property for 6 months. Though I was approved in 4 months so it is not applied compulsorily.

My best wishes with you and I am sure you will get approved soon!!
@Arun Hey Arun, thank you very much my dear.. I will look after improving my blog content and try to keep on posting regularly.
It is for Google to decide what they are to accept. If you do not meet their criteria, they will reject. The guidelines in Google Adsense are very comprehensive and need careful reading.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think these days google doesn't grant adsense that easily and one has to earn it!
Google had its own terms and conditions to accept the adsense account.Now it is difficult to get approval, I think.

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Your explanation was crystal clear.

Hope your doubt is cleared,friend.

I learn t some new things from this post.Thank you all.
I hope Arun's observation is correct...Try again after changing what arun specified.Google checks uniqueness regarding content...I hope your problem will be solved. :)
@ Arun

very good explanation.,i was unaware of many things...thanks for your detailed post arun........
Thanks Arun for clearing the doubts in depth and in detail.Expect more from you.

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