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@MC and Kalyani

I do like and appreciate your suggestion and request Boddunan to consider it in all seriousness.

@Santosh Kumar Singh
How it has helped to generate traffic it is for the moderator to comment and even it that is true I strongly disapprove not so godly methods to generate traffic.And as far as the last part of your sentence asking me not to worry - what can I say- none of your replies has anything to put my worries at rest!!!!!
I am agree with ceeem and Gulshan sir that there is too much Mantras in Boddunan forums which is not good.

I think there should have one thread on GOD'S name in that he can write anything related to GOD'S of all religions of world.That will be better for us only one Mantras thread of all religion.
@Gulshan,Abid,Kalyani and Jasmeet

Thanks to all of you for your well-reasoned and rational stand on this issue.
Yes friends.. I am also with you...

As this site's main moto is to Share knowledge, just by writing God's name doesn't gain any of the knowledge.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Oh God!!!! Now Ganesh Mantra and Gayatri mantra are new in Forum......

Have seen just now....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think if some thread is for God than its ok. God bless us. Rest is depend upon boddunan.

Santosh Kumar Singh


People started as daily manthra and they became minutely manthras. Please stop spamming for points. All topics were locked and any future threads will be deleted.

Sorry to the guys who are really engaged for better cause.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thanks a lot Mr. Maverick for taking this painful but timely decision.It was quite inevitable.And I also feel very sorry for the ones who were genuinely motivated for a noble and religious cause.Let us treat the chapter closed with a note of sadness.
@ chinmoy.

its OK.....nothing to be sad about.

I made it a habit to daily recite two mantras.I did not even copy paste the mantras. I just typed it. But unfortunately it got stopped. There is a saying "Too many cooks spoil the pot". This is what happened in this case.

Anyway i didn't oppose this move. Hereafter i will write it in my computer.
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