I find a kind of competition to launch too many mantras.We have a few crore of Gods and Goddesses and if one each for one is launched what would our forum page look like? Perhaps time has come to curb this extra enthusiasm which is bordering on a kind of frenzy.What do you think Mr.Maverick?
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Chinmoy- I had expressed the same feelings in an earlier thread. Now that apprehension come true. We are likely soon to have thousand of thread each for some sort of bhajan, hymn or mantra. So just write in each thread a mantra or hymn and earn points. I hope moderators will interfere to arrest this trend.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think If we include some thread of God then God bless us. So I think do not speak against God. I think God related thread will not increase more. It will limit to 10.

So do not worry about God Thread.

Santosh Kumar Singh




I did support it from a different perspective and my views were expressed in deference to wishes and religious sensitivies of some of the members and now I am constrained to support your line of thinking.We have got to wake up on this.Just imagine the kind of situation we would be in if members from other religions join the race!We have slokas and mantras running into a few lakhs and if these find place in this forum we might as well turn it into a theological forum.
I was also very much irritated seeing all these mantras only in front page.Have to put some control .

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@Santosh Kumar Singh

I simply could not understand where ,how and when did speak against God.I also can not understand how I am blessed less by Him if I don't make a public exhibition of my faith in Him.I am no expert in slokas and mantra but let us remember the Sanskrit saying "Sarbang Atyanta Gharhitam" meaning "Excess of anything is bad".For me a corner of my room to remember him silently and reverentially once in a day is just sufficient.
Its not required that to remember God Quite place need. Its depend We can remember God any where in different ways. So its also one way to remember them.

Santosh Kumar Singh



You have not answered my original query :Where,How and When Did I Speak Against God!
There is another interesting part in your original reply that is your suggestion to restrict it to 10 thus unwitingly accepting my point to restrict this kind of activities.How and who is going to decide this number 10!!
Ceem Its my guess that not more than 10 thread will generate. I am not telling it will exactly. You have seen by all these thread traffics increased so do not worry about it more.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I have an idea..All in one!Lets merge the mantra threads into one.So the moderator can lock the present threads and allow one new thread for all mantras.
Do we really need different threads for mantras and such? I think there should be more discussions on different topics than on chants and hymns, they are a matter of personal choices.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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