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Your quotes of this well-known saying is appropriate in this context.
I think at least one thread for God should exist. Members feel more interest on forum due to that. I think some down in rank should be there in future.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh Kumar Singh wrote:
[quote]I think at least one thread for God should exist. Members feel more interest on forum due to that. I think some down in rank should be there in future.[/quote]

I couldn't understand what you are saying :unsure:

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I want to say at least boddunan allow one thread for God in boddunan where members can reply. Current all thread for God have been locked by Boddunan so at least open one Common Thread for God which will be unlock.

Santosh Kumar Singh



In my previous post I had posted some opinion "for" typing mantras. But that is an different issue and that is just an opinion and representation of my knowledge in philosophical and psychological areas.

But still if this is simply used just for points and if it is not complying with executional practicability of the site, there is nothing wrong in locking these types of threads.

According to Hindu philosophy, "We can loose a person for the benefit of a family, we can loose a family for the benefit of a village, we can loose a village for the benefit of a country".

I hope based on this above philosophy every member shall take this change in a positive manner.

So when some event or practice is genuinely uncomfortable for the group effort, it is very perfect to drop it or to change it.

Guru S Shivaa
A large number of Gods and Goddesses in India only comparative than other countries.

possibilities of interests can be encourage.
Yes Its Good that we need God bless to improve our self here I discourage that All God's Thread had been locked.

Santosh Kumar Singh


The thread which says to type "Om Sai Ram" daily is the oldest thread in Boddunan of all the Mantras threads...

I hope that one thread can be allowed.... As I was habituated to type in it daily with a good morning!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think Deepti is right at least one common thread for All God should be allowed to be touched with God. Rest is fine.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes the thread "Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram" was posted 3 Months ago by Lohit seth..

It has 544 replies and 2199 views. Hope this thread can be unlocked.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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