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Dreams are nothing but our repressed emotions, desires, fear and so on. Dreams can also act as a forewarning for some and premonitions for few gifted people.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

rambabu wrote:
suni51 wrote:

I dream seldom so I am not very knowledgeable on this subject, but I feel dreams reflect what we have on our subconscious mind. 


True. Dreams take out our own thoughts that occur during our day to day activities.


Not only your activities but your hidden desires too make an impression on our dreams.



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All ideas about dreams are just imaginations. I think the scientific facts regarding dreams are yet to be revealed.

Ther is nothing to prove about the dreams. Dreams are nothing but extension of your thoughts, which lle in your subconscious mind.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

Dreams are that which makes us to work. We all have dream, dream may be of different types. as i want to be at top position and will help all the people who actual need helps

What we decide in mind will come as dreams. Dreams are natures gift. Even the poor man can dream like a rich man. My dreams are goal oriented and some times i also feel unconnected dreams.

We see dreams about what we want to do things that are not easy to implement in our life right now. Many times it can be horrible..

Dreams are the extensions of one's own thoughts, which will be stored in the sub conscious . They surface up from time to time depending on the situation. Wise people grab them. Others brush them away.

All of us dream, but only few of us remember it after waking up. Some people claim they never dream, but that's not possible.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Mousumi Ghosh wrote:

All of us dream, but only few of us remember it after waking up. Some people claim they never dream, but that's not possible.


I rarely dream. A dreamless sleep is called a 'Sound Sleep.' if I dream, I remember them and discuss with my wife.


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