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Talking with ourself ,when we are alone really helps in avoiding Loneliness.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes even I tend to talk when alone, but not that frequently. I think this is not an abnormal habit and is being followed by many people! :cheer:

Mala Jaiswar
I never talk to myself, rather silence engulfs me when I am in deep thoughts! :dry: :dry: :dry: :dry:
I also used to talk when I checked some thing work related. My colleagues also used to do the same. I have noticed.
I sometimes talk myself when I am alone at home.specially when I am very much disturbed.

Sharmistha Banerjee
sandhya wrote: everyone speak to himself in his mother tongue..
i think it's some Hindi bhooth

Sandhya madam, I am found of hindi language. I know much hindi compared to my mother tongue

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Is this a bad habit or not? I have seen many to talk such.
sandhya wrote: everyone speak to himself in his mother tongue..
i think it's some Hindi bhooth

Sandhya madam, I am found of hindi language. I know much hindi compared to my mother tongue

Generally people speaks in the language in which they are very comfortable. Language may or may not be their mother tongue. However people mostly speak in mother tongue. They learn that first in their childhood. Other languages they learn later.
My mother tongue is bengali. I am comfortable with Hindi. ;) :silly:
Yesterday when I returned after shopping I opened Boddunan and found that a few articles of mine are published. While self-analysing me I was talking to myself. :cheer: :cheer:
Hearing this, my husband came to computer room and asked me, 'with whom are you talking?'
When I told 'myself', he was surprised by my reply. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
'Yes, I have no one to talk as am alone always at home. So, I used to talk to myself', I replied :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Yes, self talk is a form of tension relieving medicine. It is a self analyzing tool as well. Do you talk while you are alone? :P

I never talk whenever I am alone. May be during my childhood, I could you have talked when I am alone. I can't remember those incidents.

Born to express, not to impress.
I tend to create imaginary friends or sometimes imagine that my favorite friends who truly exist are always with me and I talk alone.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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