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Yesterday when I returned after shopping I opened Boddunan and found that a few articles of mine are published. While self-analysing me I was talking to myself. :cheer: :cheer:
Hearing this, my husband came to computer room and asked me, 'with whom are you talking?'
When I told 'myself', he was surprised by my reply. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
'Yes, I have no one to talk as am alone always at home. So, I used to talk to myself', I replied :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Yes, self talk is a form of tension relieving medicine. It is a self analyzing tool as well. Do you talk while you are alone? :P

I never talk whenever I am alone. May be during my childhood, I could you have talked when I am alone. I can't remember those incidents.

I talk but it is not audible, but I'm sure its different from thinking. Or say, it's a sort of loud thinking.
sandhya wrote: everyone speak to himself in his mother tongue..
i think it's some Hindi bhooth

Sandhya madam, I am found of hindi language. I know much hindi compared to my mother tongue

Generally people speaks in the language in which they are very comfortable. Language may or may not be their mother tongue. However people mostly speak in mother tongue. They learn that first in their childhood. Other languages they learn later.
My mother tongue is bengali. I am comfortable with Hindi. ;) :silly:

so, you agree that you speak when you are alone ;)
thanks :P

Meera sandhu
sandhya wrote: everyone speak to himself in his mother tongue..
i think it's some Hindi bhooth

Sandhya madam, I am found of hindi language. I know much hindi compared to my mother tongue

Generally people speaks in the language in which they are very comfortable. Language may or may not be their mother tongue. However people mostly speak in mother tongue. They learn that first in their childhood. Other languages they learn later.
My mother tongue is bengali. I am comfortable with Hindi. ;) :silly:

so, you agree that you speak when you are alone ;)
thanks :P

Here is a test. Give a hard blow on the back of sleeping man or woman. If he says, 'Ammoi, Baboi" he's Telugu. If he cries aloud, "Odi Baba.", he's a Bengali. A Tamilian will say, "Ayyo , Muruga," No body can escape from the influence of their respective mother tongues. If you talk with yourself, it must be in your mother tongue only.
sandhya wrote: everyone speak to himself in his mother tongue..
i think it's some Hindi bhooth

Sandhya madam, I am found of hindi language. I know much hindi compared to my mother tongue

Generally people speaks in the language in which they are very comfortable. Language may or may not be their mother tongue. However people mostly speak in mother tongue. They learn that first in their childhood. Other languages they learn later.
My mother tongue is bengali. I am comfortable with Hindi. ;) :silly:

so, you agree that you speak when you are alone ;)
thanks :P

Here is a test. Give a hard blow on the back of sleeping man or woman. If he says, 'Ammoi, Baboi" he's Telugu. If he cries aloud, "Odi Baba.", he's a Bengali. A Tamilian will say, "Ayyo , Muruga," No body can escape from the influence of their respective mother tongues. If you talk with yourself, it must be in your mother tongue only.

Yes.. this is a fact.. If you say bad word also.. you'll always say it in mother tongue.. If afraid, you pray in mother tongue... We can't deny that..

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Yesterday when I returned after shopping I opened Boddunan and found that a few articles of mine are published. While self-analysing me I was talking to myself. :cheer: :cheer:
Hearing this, my husband came to computer room and asked me, 'with whom are you talking?'
When I told 'myself', he was surprised by my reply. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
'Yes, I have no one to talk as am alone always at home. So, I used to talk to myself', I replied :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Yes, self talk is a form of tension relieving medicine. It is a self analyzing tool as well. Do you talk while you are alone? :P

Hihihi this happens with talkative people when they don't get anyone to talk with them they start talking to themselves only. :laugh: :P :P :P
Yesterday when I returned after shopping I opened Boddunan and found that a few articles of mine are published. While self-analysing me I was talking to myself. :cheer: :cheer:
Hearing this, my husband came to computer room and asked me, 'with whom are you talking?'
When I told 'myself', he was surprised by my reply. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
'Yes, I have no one to talk as am alone always at home. So, I used to talk to myself', I replied :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Yes, self talk is a form of tension relieving medicine. It is a self analyzing tool as well. Do you talk while you are alone? :P

A few years ago when i was talking with myself sitting on a a bench in a park, suddenly a visiting card has landed in my lap from nowhere. Astonished, i took it and glanced at it. It read, 'Dr. Pandu Ranga Rao, specialists in chronic mental diseases,consulting hours, etc etc...

Hahahah, Rambabu gaaru, that was a very hilarious way you put up the situation! ahhaha , i cannot help but laugh! hahah

Swetha Shenoy
sandhya wrote: everyone speak to himself in his mother tongue..
i think it's some Hindi bhooth

Sandhya madam, I am found of hindi language. I know much hindi compared to my mother tongue

Generally people speaks in the language in which they are very comfortable. Language may or may not be their mother tongue. However people mostly speak in mother tongue. They learn that first in their childhood. Other languages they learn later.
My mother tongue is bengali. I am comfortable with Hindi. ;) :silly:

so, you agree that you speak when you are alone ;)
thanks :P

Here is a test. Give a hard blow on the back of sleeping man or woman. If he says, 'Ammoi, Baboi" he's Telugu. If he cries aloud, "Odi Baba.", he's a Bengali. A Tamilian will say, "Ayyo , Muruga," No body can escape from the influence of their respective mother tongues. If you talk with yourself, it must be in your mother tongue only.

you are absolutely correct rambabuji and a small correction too. Most of the Tamilian will say "Ayyo, Amma" and we are in the state ruled by "Amma".
My mom is also having the same habit which Sandhya is having. She has remained alone in house, for many years. My father lives abroad and i went out for studying outside of my town. Now, she has develop one kind of habit.
But this is not good. Sometimes, I do get irritate with my mom, when i see such talk going on.
I too get surprised, with whom my mom is talking.

Want to make each day Accountable

Some times when im alone i use to talk myself but not frequently. Most of the times when i was in driving on highways i use to think about myself and talk myself. This will help me to know my position how i am. :)

sandhya wrote: everyone speak to himself in his mother tongue..
i think it's some Hindi bhooth

Sandhya madam, I am found of hindi language. I know much hindi compared to my mother tongue

Generally people speaks in the language in which they are very comfortable. Language may or may not be their mother tongue. However people mostly speak in mother tongue. They learn that first in their childhood. Other languages they learn later.
My mother tongue is bengali. I am comfortable with Hindi. ;) :silly:

so, you agree that you speak when you are alone ;)
thanks :P

Here is a test. Give a hard blow on the back of sleeping man or woman. If he says, 'Ammoi, Baboi" he's Telugu. If he cries aloud, "Odi Baba.", he's a Bengali. A Tamilian will say, "Ayyo , Muruga," No body can escape from the influence of their respective mother tongues. If you talk with yourself, it must be in your mother tongue only.

you are absolutely correct rambabuji and a small correction too. Most of the Tamilian will say "Ayyo, Amma" and we are in the state ruled by "Amma".

Hilarious addition dear Arun. 'Ayyo Amma' is the appropriate way of putting the things
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