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Every exam night we will study up to 3 or 4 o clock then we will revise the subject again after refreshing.

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The day before the exam I just wake all the night.On the same day I just carry my mother along with me to drop me in the school.

You still in school? :ohmy: Waking up all night makes me feel sleepy during the exams.

Live in the present :)
The day before the exam I just wake all the night.On the same day I just carry my mother along with me to drop me in the school.

You still in school? :ohmy: Waking up all night makes me feel sleepy during the exams.

waking up in night is not good. If you take good preparation for the whole year then no need to worry.
The day before the exam I just wake all the night.On the same day I just carry my mother along with me to drop me in the school.

You still in school? :ohmy: Waking up all night makes me feel sleepy during the exams.

waking up in night is not good. If you take good preparation for the whole year then no need to worry.

For every one this is not possible to prepare entire year they will study only night time.

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quote="Sasikanth" post=293370]Every exam night we will study up to 3 or 4 o clock then we will revise the subject again after refreshing.[/quote]

Even I have some friends who used to study till late at night like that. But I really wonder if you don't feel exhausted by staying awake
like that??? I feel that taking proper rest just before the exam is necessary.
Before going for the exam I just question in my mind that if there were no exam in schools or colleges.Then we have to take no tension.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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