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Some times, if my mind is so busy in thinking about exams....I may study during sleep too....thinking, why should I waste my precious time while sleeping. I can make use of that time just resting in bed without any work :S :S :S
When I wake up, I can't stop laughing thinking about this blunder :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

How many of you have thought so? :P

Meera sandhu
I never feel so and I relaxed before exam and listened music before night.
I never feel so and I relaxed before exam and listened music before night.

That's great. All should follow your ideas. ;)
I never feel so and I relaxed before exam and listened music before night.

That's great. All should follow your ideas. ;)

I doubt if he full time listen to music..a day before exams that he lay eggs in exam answer sheet ;) ;)

Meera sandhu
I never feel so and I relaxed before exam and listened music before night.

That's great. All should follow your ideas. ;)

I doubt if he full time listen to music..a day before exams that he lay eggs in exam answer sheet ;) ;)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P He only knows. But I think he was a very intelligent student.
When I was in school and colleges i just fear of exam.Before going for my exam I just fear that I am forgetting the studies.

Sharmistha Banerjee
When someone has prepared well for the exams one need not to fear exams I know people feel nervous even if they have prepared well but that's their weakness and they should work on it and try to remove that weakness. May be meditation is one things which gives lots of confidence and relaxes mind. One should do it in the morning on the exam day. When I was in college I never used to read or discuss anything before exam as that is the thing which makes us nervous. :blink:
I feel nervous even thogh i read every thing upto i finished my exam fearness will not go.
I feel nervous even thogh i read every thing upto i finished my exam fearness will not go.

You should build your self confidence as nervousness is not good and may cause problem while writing exam. :)
Before going for the exam I always pray God to give at lest good question.I just fear that if I will forget then what will happen.I always get very nervous before exam.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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