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How was your first date or how would you want your first date to be like ? I am looking forward to some creative answers to the question ;)

Asha , it would be interesting to read your own response ! however,let me tell you something really funny ....My own first date was with a college senior who called me out to have coffee with him at a famous and popular place in Bangalore called India Coffee house.When we reached there , we found the place filled to capacity and we were forced to collect our coffee cups and sit outside on the pavement where they had arranged a couple of benches .A car passed by and splashed muddy water all over me and him :dry: :huh: you can guess what happened after that , we went home and no more dates after that , because I told my mother about it ( I could never, still can not hide anything from her ) and she told me the usual - what will people say if you go out with a boy ? :P

See this is what I was expecting. Thanks for sharing Usha :) :kiss:

Most welcome !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

No dating...No Chatting.. Direct Arranged Marriage... :)
I did a little bit of each although this was an arranged marriage. What is the harm if you have to marry each other.

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I never had any dates till now, may be if i get married i may go out with my husband

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Why can't you quote your experience???

OK if you insist so much :laugh: :laugh: As the guy was my senior so I was a bit afraid why had he called me to the college lawn. Nevertheless I had to go. The initial talks started formally. We sat on the lawn bench for hours talking about everything possible :laugh: :laugh: He even gave me a chocolate and when I returned to the hostel and my friends asked me why had the senior called me did I realize that it was my first date ;) ;)

That was your first date all right but did you keep it going or that was first and last? Look this is very important to know about this thread?? The whole thread depend upon your answer. :lol: :lol:

I was expecting this question and I knew somone would directly throw it on me :evil: Well I would say it went on to the 10th 11th and ....uncountable number of dates. :blush: :blush:

So by 10th or 11th there were unaccountable??? ;) wah you must have created a world record by now at that rate. :laugh: :laugh:

Numerous such records are created daily. I stopped counting it because it went out of my fingertips you know :P
What about you ? I was expecting a good number of stories from you :blink:

I have a good number of stories and I have asked for permission to share them here. What is the harm if some people become expert reading my experiences. :laugh:

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Why can't you quote your experience???

OK if you insist so much :laugh: :laugh: As the guy was my senior so I was a bit afraid why had he called me to the college lawn. Nevertheless I had to go. The initial talks started formally. We sat on the lawn bench for hours talking about everything possible :laugh: :laugh: He even gave me a chocolate and when I returned to the hostel and my friends asked me why had the senior called me did I realize that it was my first date ;) ;)

That was your first date all right but did you keep it going or that was first and last? Look this is very important to know about this thread?? The whole thread depend upon your answer. :lol: :lol:

I was expecting this question and I knew somone would directly throw it on me :evil: Well I would say it went on to the 10th 11th and ....uncountable number of dates. :blush: :blush:

So by 10th or 11th there were unaccountable??? ;) wah you must have created a world record by now at that rate. :laugh: :laugh:

Numerous such records are created daily. I stopped counting it because it went out of my fingertips you know :P
What about you ? I was expecting a good number of stories from you :blink:

I have a good number of stories and I have asked for permission to share them here. What is the harm if some people become expert reading my experiences. :laugh:

Why not many would learn from your experiences. After all we are here for sharing ;)

Live in the present :)
Asha tell us about your first date madam

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Asha tell us about your first date madam

I have already shared one of my experiences ;)

Live in the present :)
Why can't you quote your experience???

OK if you insist so much :laugh: :laugh: As the guy was my senior so I was a bit afraid why had he called me to the college lawn. Nevertheless I had to go. The initial talks started formally. We sat on the lawn bench for hours talking about everything possible :laugh: :laugh: He even gave me a chocolate and when I returned to the hostel and my friends asked me why had the senior called me did I realize that it was my first date ;) ;)

That was your first date all right but did you keep it going or that was first and last? Look this is very important to know about this thread?? The whole thread depend upon your answer. :lol: :lol:

I was expecting this question and I knew somone would directly throw it on me :evil: Well I would say it went on to the 10th 11th and ....uncountable number of dates. :blush: :blush:

So by 10th or 11th there were unaccountable??? ;) wah you must have created a world record by now at that rate. :laugh: :laugh:

Numerous such records are created daily. I stopped counting it because it went out of my fingertips you know :P
What about you ? I was expecting a good number of stories from you :blink:

I have a good number of stories and I have asked for permission to share them here. What is the harm if some people become expert reading my experiences. :laugh:

Why not many would learn from your experiences. After all we are here for sharing ;)

:) :) :laugh:
Just waiting for sanctions to arrive as one has to come from UK and another from US.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

have you read about my first date?
Just turn back a few pages......

Meera sandhu
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