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Some time people forget what they say and what will be the reaction of others who are present on the spot.Sometime just to draw attention or attract others towards themselves they just talk nonsense words and also make fun of themselves.

Have you noticed...nervous persons also talk a make believe others, I am OK.

I often use this trick. That's why I told so ;) :P

So what trick are you referring to? Let me know, maybe I use the same next time around! :lol:

if you keep quiet someone may notice you in distress. if laugh and chat a lot, no one will doubt you ;) :P

Meera sandhu
Some time people forget what they say and what will be the reaction of others who are present on the spot.Sometime just to draw attention or attract others towards themselves they just talk nonsense words and also make fun of themselves.

Have you noticed...nervous persons also talk a make believe others, I am OK.

I often use this trick. That's why I told so ;) :P

So what trick are you referring to? Let me know, maybe I use the same next time around! :lol:

if you keep quiet someone may notice you in distress. if laugh and chat a lot, no one will doubt you ;) :P

Oh, I never knew this wonderful trick...let me begin laughing now so no one thinks I am in distress. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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