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My opinion is by gods creation every one are born with intelligence but utilizing properly by each and every person matters, who become brilliant. some are telling that they become so through experience but that is another intelligence they under go.
Experience creates Experts. This sentence is told by vinodh to me. I like this sentence and never forget.
A little bit of both but what I feel I was as intelligent the day I was born. :laugh: Although, there is no proof left. Yes - I can weep as good as the day I was born is the only proof. :laugh: :laugh:

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Experience creates Experts. This sentence is told by vinodh to me. I like this sentence and never forget.

Our Vinod ;) ;) ;)

Yes, even if we have talent inside ourselves it's of no use, if we don't make use of it. That's why it's told, give work to your brain :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

I have heard we learn new things everyday, foldings of brain increase in proportion to the knowledge acquired.

Meera sandhu
Experience creates Experts. This sentence is told by vinodh to me. I like this sentence and never forget.

Sure I still increasing the experience every day, I can weep far better since the day I was born. :laugh: :laugh: I am an expert today, hence proved.
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Experience creates Experts. This sentence is told by vinodh to me. I like this sentence and never forget.

Sure I still increasing the experience every day, I can weep far better since the day I was born. :laugh: :laugh: I am an expert today, hence proved.

You mean you are an expert in shedding tears! I am an expert in jerking tears out any pair of eyes!
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8579]}
Experience creates Experts. This sentence is told by vinodh to me. I like this sentence and never forget.

Sure I still increasing the experience every day, I can weep far better since the day I was born. :laugh: :laugh: I am an expert today, hence proved.

You mean you are an expert in shedding tears! I am an expert in jerking tears out any pair of eyes!
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8579]}

You are doing an easy job, this is simple to jerk tears then shedding them. I had to practice hard to keep them going what God had given me initially. :laugh: :laugh:

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Even a diamond is to be polished for shine...Similarly ever one has intelligence by birth and one should shape it with experiences and challenges in life...
Let me say something.....
I strongly believe that no person has been send to earth without brains....every person has got some skills. It's more important to know, for which skill he is proficient enough. If he given stress to that area, he will become successful in his life.
It's sure, all kids are not good in Mathematics and all kids in Chemistry or English. Same is the case of arts too.....
Everyone doesn't get the talent of drawing, singing and dancing.
Just watch carefully a kid not good in studies. Am sure enough, he will be interested in some another talent...may be some hidden talent too.....just nourish it to see its after effects.
We measure a person's IQ based on his studies only. That's the problem.
A person can't be good in every subject. Same way, even the most intelligent student of the class may be far behind the 50th rank student in any art subject or even well behaviours.

Even managing a home is a big task. A girl who gets 'foolish' tag always may be able to perform her household work well than an intelligent girl. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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