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"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Experience creates Experts. This sentence is told by vinodh to me. I like this sentence and never forget.

Sure I still increasing the experience every day, I can weep far better since the day I was born. :laugh: :laugh: I am an expert today, hence proved.

You mean you are an expert in shedding tears! I am an expert in jerking tears out any pair of eyes!
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8579]}

Yeah I can vouch for this!! You can churn out out real tear-jerker poems anytime!! :woohoo: :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This is both. Some kids are more intelligent and learn soon. But the natural intelligence can be developed. Some kids slow in studies and picking up tings in early childhood sharpen their intelligence and some times they are most intelligent. The children looking smarter and intelligent in early childhood may be even unintelligent later in life if they do not get proper environment. This is for parents and teachers to look after the learning process.

To this, I can answer with a quote by Napolean Hill -

Action is the real measure of intelligence.

Isn't it appropriate, the reason for lost intelligence and thereby lost successes lies in inaction! Therefore, all kinds of intellect must be complemented by ability to take action, otherwise, only being intelligent, even with a very high IQs does not serve any purpose!

A person not born with inherent intelligence can develop his intellect by persistent and consistent study and work.

I wholeheartedly agree with those views ! Intelligence or brilliance is of no use unless it is put into action and shows positive results .Common sense too is needed along with Intelligence to get the maximum results ....As for the question, I feel that it is partly hereditary but without being fine tuned and cultivated may not develop as it should !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Person is born with brain. The more he/she utilises the brain, they learns a lot and gain experience. This is how a person becomes intelligent.
Many a times children who perform very well in fact brilliantly while in primary school, begin to fall back in their studies when they become older....So, intelligence or brilliance need s to be developed and nurtured ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

More you use your weapon ,it will be more sharpen.Intelligence is like that .Every person born with some brain.Then it works according to its environment.
Let me say something.....
I strongly believe that no person has been send to earth without brains....every person has got some skills. It's more important to know, for which skill he is proficient enough. If he given stress to that area, he will become successful in his life.
It's sure, all kids are not good in Mathematics and all kids in Chemistry or English. Same is the case of arts too.....
Everyone doesn't get the talent of drawing, singing and dancing.
Just watch carefully a kid not good in studies. Am sure enough, he will be interested in some another talent...may be some hidden talent too.....just nourish it to see its after effects.
We measure a person's IQ based on his studies only. That's the problem.
A person can't be good in every subject. Same way, even the most intelligent student of the class may be far behind the 50th rank student in any art subject or even well behaviours.

Even managing a home is a big task. A girl who gets 'foolish' tag always may be able to perform her household work well than an intelligent girl. Isn't it?

has anyone go through my post????
No comments. am waiting!!

Meera sandhu
Let me say something.....
I strongly believe that no person has been send to earth without brains....every person has got some skills. It's more important to know, for which skill he is proficient enough. If he given stress to that area, he will become successful in his life.
It's sure, all kids are not good in Mathematics and all kids in Chemistry or English. Same is the case of arts too.....
Everyone doesn't get the talent of drawing, singing and dancing.
Just watch carefully a kid not good in studies. Am sure enough, he will be interested in some another talent...may be some hidden talent too.....just nourish it to see its after effects.
We measure a person's IQ based on his studies only. That's the problem.
A person can't be good in every subject. Same way, even the most intelligent student of the class may be far behind the 50th rank student in any art subject or even well behaviours.

Even managing a home is a big task. A girl who gets 'foolish' tag always may be able to perform her household work well than an intelligent girl. Isn't it?

has anyone go through my post????
No comments. am waiting!!

{ More you use your weapon ,it will be more sharpen.Intelligence is like that .Every person born with some brain.Then it works according to its environment. }

Developing skills and being intelligent are different...Skills can be developed by anyone through practice and a minimum amount of intelligence.But to become intelligence one need to have the capacity which comes through hereditary and later with the right kind of training and education it gets enhanced...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Let me say something.....
I strongly believe that no person has been send to earth without brains....every person has got some skills. It's more important to know, for which skill he is proficient enough. If he given stress to that area, he will become successful in his life.
It's sure, all kids are not good in Mathematics and all kids in Chemistry or English. Same is the case of arts too.....
Everyone doesn't get the talent of drawing, singing and dancing.
Just watch carefully a kid not good in studies. Am sure enough, he will be interested in some another talent...may be some hidden talent too.....just nourish it to see its after effects.
We measure a person's IQ based on his studies only. That's the problem.
A person can't be good in every subject. Same way, even the most intelligent student of the class may be far behind the 50th rank student in any art subject or even well behaviours.

Even managing a home is a big task. A girl who gets 'foolish' tag always may be able to perform her household work well than an intelligent girl. Isn't it?

has anyone go through my post????
No comments. am waiting!!

Yes I am giving you an example. I am a commerce student. i did ot know how to do balance in chemistry. I learned it from net and now I teached my daughter.
Let me say something.....
I strongly believe that no person has been send to earth without brains....every person has got some skills. It's more important to know, for which skill he is proficient enough. If he given stress to that area, he will become successful in his life.
It's sure, all kids are not good in Mathematics and all kids in Chemistry or English. Same is the case of arts too.....
Everyone doesn't get the talent of drawing, singing and dancing.
Just watch carefully a kid not good in studies. Am sure enough, he will be interested in some another talent...may be some hidden talent too.....just nourish it to see its after effects.
We measure a person's IQ based on his studies only. That's the problem.
A person can't be good in every subject. Same way, even the most intelligent student of the class may be far behind the 50th rank student in any art subject or even well behaviours.

Even managing a home is a big task. A girl who gets 'foolish' tag always may be able to perform her household work well than an intelligent girl. Isn't it?

has anyone go through my post????
No comments. am waiting!!

Yes I am giving you an example. I am a commerce student. i did ot know how to do balance in chemistry. I learned it from net and now I teached my daughter.

That's why it's told, necessity is the mother of invention :P :P

Meera sandhu
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