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12 years ago
Yes Sanjiv , I have also such experience. They cut 15 to 25 % which is a great loss. plus making charge. So it will be good to invest in coin or pure gold.
Its better to invest on paper gold these days. :)
I don't buy Gold much but whatever I buy I don't sell and don't let my family members to do that. :blink:
This is not only for gold ,same is applicable to silver also.
12 years ago
Yes Sanjiv , I have also such experience. They cut 15 to 25 % which is a great loss. plus making charge. So it will be good to invest in coin or pure gold.
Its better to invest on paper gold these days. :)
I don't buy Gold much but whatever I buy I don't sell and don't let my family members to do that. :blink:
This is not only for gold ,same is applicable to silver also.
No use of buying silver as old silver get dull and becomes black with the time.I don't buy silver jewels. :)
12 years ago
I Buy in terms of Shares.. :) :)
Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
12 years ago
I Buy in terms of Shares.. :) :)
Share meaans gold share from bank?
12 years ago
buying gold in terms of paper gold is really worthy and useful at alltimes :)
12 years ago
I Buy in terms of Shares.. :) :)
Share meaans gold share from bank?
Yes, but not form bank but as a Share or Stock through my trading account
Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
12 years ago
Yes Sanjiv , I have also such experience. They cut 15 to 25 % which is a great loss. plus making charge. So it will be good to invest in coin or pure gold.
Its better to invest on paper gold these days. :)
I don't buy Gold much but whatever I buy I don't sell and don't let my family members to do that. :blink:
This is not only for gold ,same is applicable to silver also.
No use of buying silver as old silver get dull and becomes black with the time.I don't buy silver jewels. :)
Every kinds of metals become dull with times, even gold. However, they can be easily cleaned. In fact silver can be easily polished with a toothpaste or even baking soda and warm water.
12 years ago
The topic has been discussed in depth. It appears that now is the time to lock the thread. So, this is locked.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
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