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First thing is satisfaction. If we are not satisfied with what we get then it is said unlucky,but if we are satisfied then we say lucky.
First thing is satisfaction. If we are not satisfied with what we get then it is said unlucky,but if we are satisfied then we say lucky.

good definition for luckiness
Accroding to me, you cannot always say that you are lucky or not. Sometimes everything goes your way. But at some point of time you may notice that everything goes against you. :)
Accroding to me, you cannot always say that you are lucky or not. Sometimes everything goes your way. But at some point of time you may notice that everything goes against you. :)

nice explanation godson thomas.
luck is always luck thats it, We cannot predict luck or demand luck. everything is decided by god.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes I think I am lucky.Luck can of different types.One think himself lucky to have good parents other my think different.But I am lucky what I have.i am lucky to have at least a house and proper family to stay.There are so many people who does not have a roof upon their head to stay.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Actally luck is not in our hands it was decided by our fate.
Every person who is living in the world is lucky because he born as human being to enjoy life
Every person who is living in the world is lucky because he born as human being to enjoy life

Born as human being is not lucky it is a curse.
yes, mary is right, born as a human is not lucky. I feel am really unlucky

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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