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Lucky and unlucky depends on the person.If we think negative we will feel that we are unlucky.So no one is unlucky it is just their imagination.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Lucky and unlucky depends on the person.If we think negative we will feel that we are unlucky.So no one is unlucky it is just their imagination.

A person's way of thinking determines whether he is lucky. If he compares with more successful, he is unlucky. But if he looks at the less unfortunate, he will consider himself lucky.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We cant decide for ourself that we are not lucky all were lucky in some movements.
I think I am luck on some places not each places Like career point of view I got something good to earn money like job but did not get which i was thinking to be.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think i am quiet lucky after my marriage.Previously i was not so lucky.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I am lucky in less things and having most bad luck many times. Now a days My luck was good.

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Luck is some how depends on ones thought.It is good that we are not like an animal or other creature who cannot tell their feeling to anyone.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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