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yes, mary is right, born as a human is not lucky. I feel am really unlucky

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, mary is right, born as a human is not lucky. I feel am really unlucky

Because of Karma's[Bad doings] of past life is the reason for the rebirth. Saints are not wished to born again.
Every person who is living in the world is lucky because he born as human being to enjoy life

Born as human being is not lucky it is a curse.

Why do you take life so negative, look around with a positive view, I am sure you will love it.

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yes, mary is right, born as a human is not lucky. I feel am really unlucky

Because of Karma's[Bad doings] of past life is the reason for the rebirth. Saints are not wished to born again.

Stop believing in rebirth then, take it as your first birth and do all good Karma in this life.

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We all are born lucky. We need to do good things on earth before dieing.

Want to make each day Accountable

Sunilji though we feel this as a first birth and we do all good deeds then also god is punishing us, that means those punishments are due to bad deeds of previous birth na

what do you say sir?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes or no ! :unsure: When things don't go according to what I had expected I feel I am unlucky. :angry:

Live in the present :)
When we are arriving to this world itself god will write about our faith so we have to do according to that so we cant decide we are lucky are not.
Yes lucky enough to be alive for tomorrow.. :) :)

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Every person who is living in the world is lucky because he born as human being to enjoy life

Born as human being is not lucky it is a curse.

KARUNA Every person who is living in the world is lucky because he born as human being to enjoy life

Two contradictory views !!! I would go with Karuna's views since we are here and we have so much to do and so we have to make the best of our lives without really thinking about luck, luck favors those who work towards it... :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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