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Actually, we should remove all electronic equipments including TV and PC from our bed room to get sound sleep

Actually i have a small house so i have to keep TV in bed room also my wife likes it to keep in bed room as she ses serials till late night. :woohoo:

According to vasthu, electronic equipments give negative energy...not at all good for our health and sleep.
If you can't avoid it, then cover it fully and switch off TV completely.

It's not superstitious belief, but scientifically proved

Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
Actually, we should remove all electronic equipments including TV and PC from our bed room to get sound sleep

Actually i have a small house so i have to keep TV in bed room also my wife likes it to keep in bed room as she ses serials till late night. :woohoo:

According to vasthu, electronic equipments give negative energy...not at all good for our health and sleep.
If you can't avoid it, then cover it fully and switch off TV completely.

It's not superstitious belief, but scientifically proved

Oh its new thing for me. :)

We switch off it while sleeping. :)
Actually, we should remove all electronic equipments including TV and PC from our bed room to get sound sleep

Actually i have a small house so i have to keep TV in bed room also my wife likes it to keep in bed room as she ses serials till late night. :woohoo:

According to vasthu, electronic equipments give negative energy...not at all good for our health and sleep.
If you can't avoid it, then cover it fully and switch off TV completely.

It's not superstitious belief, but scientifically proved

Oh its new thing for me. :)

We switch off it while sleeping. :)

But do you disconnect it from plug and cover it fully????

You should even switch off and disconnect UPS of PC. It will cause many sleeping disorders
check my article. It can help you a lot :) :)

Meera sandhu
I have this sleeping problem, but its not a big problem for me. When i lye on the bed, i will get sleep afte 1 or 2 hours. but if i worked hard i mean i am tired then i get sleep immediately

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I don;t have so and I don't sleep in day and night sleep -no disturbance.
I don;t have so and I don't sleep in day and night sleep -no disturbance.

ok. Sleeping is very essential in life to maintain our body parts effectively.
Those who exercise daily will get sound sleep. also, never drink tea or coffee at night which can make you sleepless.

Meera sandhu
I don't have sleep disorder. I sleep deeply whole night till 10 am in the morning.
I have no such problem as 'disorder' of sleep. I generally sleep at 1.30 am and getup after 8 in the morning without any problem or having to wake-up in between. But I have a single problem that even slightest of noise can wake me up. I need total silence apart the regular sounds of AC or fan.

But unlike you i don't get disturbed with the sound also.I can sleep comfortably if someone is watching TV with high volume. :laugh:

I too have no problem sleeping at any time , but prefer not tp sleep during the day ! I sleep late and wake up after 6 or 6and a half hours of sleep no matter what time I sleep at night ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

i almost avoid sleeping at day time. Otherwise, i can't sleep well at night.

Meera sandhu
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