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What about substituting a little bit with fruits???

Meera sandhu
Am asking.....
Suppose we take 3 chappathis for dinner. If I reduce 1 chappathi and eat some fruits to compensate it, can I reduce my weight?

I think you can reduce your weight by taking 1 chappathi and less amount of fruit pieces
If we substitute a part of our common diet with fruits, can we shed a few pounds???? :evil: :evil:

I think if we have some part of fruit, of the overall diet we take in a day, then i think that we can lose our weight.

Want to make each day Accountable

Where is Dr.Sheethal to clear my doubt???

Meera sandhu
Where is Dr.Sheethal to clear my doubt???

waiting for Sheetal's answer till now. I see her online day before yesterday :) :)

Meera sandhu
I love to eat fruits.Everyday in lunch I just eat two rotis and a little bit sabji and include fruits in my lunch.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Actually fruits after meals makes your digest your food. It keeps you healthy. I don't think it has any relation with cutting off fats.
Doctor says that we should take fruits daily. Fruits have a lot fibre and food value.
If you take fruits daily then no need to take any health drinks.
Doctor says that we should take fruits daily. Fruits have a lot fibre and food value.
If you take fruits daily then no need to take any health drinks.

I want to know if fruits can increase your weight....comparing to carbohydrates :whistle:

Meera sandhu
Fruits are good for the health.We must eat food with lots of vitamins.I always eat fruits every afternoon after having my lunch.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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