If we substitute a part of our common diet with fruits, can we shed a few pounds???? :evil: :evil:

Meera sandhu
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U cannot substitute ur diet with fruits as u will not get all the nutrients from fruits as we can get from food. There is no carbohydrate present in the fruits which is important constituent of our body and helps to get more energy.
I have seen many people just taking fruits to reduce the weight , they reduced the weight also but they became more weak interms of energy. U can surely shed some pounds with only fruits but there wont be lack of nutrition and vitamins in ur body.

U can include fruits in ur regular diet but cannot completely stop eating food and start eating only fruits.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Am asking.....
Suppose we take 3 chappathis for dinner. If I reduce 1 chappathi and eat some fruits to compensate it, can I reduce my weight?

Meera sandhu
I think this is okay to add fruits to daily diet and reduce some quantity of grains.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes Sandhya

That's OK as chappathi are have enough nutrients and fruits have vitamins but still some minerals are missing... :unsure: ;)
Yes Sandhya

That's OK as chappathi are have enough nutrients and fruits have vitamins but still some minerals are missing... :unsure: ;)

But if we include both together?

Meera sandhu
Am asking.....
Suppose we take 3 chappathis for dinner. If I reduce 1 chappathi and eat some fruits to compensate it, can I reduce my weight?

Yes we must reduce our weight by consumption of fruit instead of Chappatis.....
Fruit contain energy.It does not left much fat and solid material behind..........
My lunch is always a total fruit diet as I am late riser who gets up after 9am in most cases so my breakfast is almost brunch, after that there is no possibility of lunch so I prefer to eat fruits in noon time. That keeps me fit and fine.

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Fruits are abundant sources of fiber which can reduce our weight a lot. But make sure, while taking fiber food, drink water a lot to digest it

Meera sandhu
My lunch is always a total fruit diet as I am late riser who gets up after 9am in most cases so my breakfast is almost brunch, after that there is no possibility of lunch so I prefer to eat fruits in noon time. That keeps me fit and fine.

Fruits are in large quantity but their rate are very high...Many people cannot eat it........Even in a fruit season...It rate is high...........
Fruits are good for health. But we cannot depend fully on fruits.We can include some in our daily meal.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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