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We often hear people saying, "He/she is more than a friend to me".
What's this 'More than a friend'? :P :P :P
Does it mean 'He/she is in love with that person' or does it mean 'It may or may not turn to love'...i.e. Somewhat in between??? :P :P :P

It depends. I think friend has also some category. One is normal friend. One can be close friend. One can be more close friend, but not love.

More close friend :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :P

There are many such people who don't want to involve in marriage. They just want to be a friend,even though both love each other.

Good answer. i liked it :) :P ;)

Meera sandhu
There are many such people who don't want to involve in marriage. They just want to be a friend,even though both love each other.

Can we find these people now a days.

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This means greater intimacy. may turn to love or not. This may also mean not just friend but also a guide and brother.

Brother??? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :blink:

Brother is blood relation whereas a friend is not. You have emotional relation with a friend. He may feel so close to you that he is like your family member. That means brother. similarly, a woman could be very close and friendly and also sister like. The relation may not always be of romantic love. One of my fathers' friend, settled now almost in Canada, was like brother to him.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If someone says, more than a can never be a friend....a relationship/ a special feeling about thinking of that person or feeling something special in his /her presence has already started...which is not at all felt while being with even our best friend.

Meera sandhu
If someone says, more than a can never be a friend....a relationship/ a special feeling about thinking of that person or feeling something special in his /her presence has already started...which is not at all felt while being with even our best friend.

If somebody is not your blood relation or not related by marriage and is emotionally very close to you, he is friend. If he is very close and intimate, it can be said that he is more than a friend.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

According to me....more than a friend can never be a brother. It's just the first or second step towards starting a new relation!!!!

Meera sandhu
I have just read somewhere, don't know in newspapaer or online, that 1 Girl and 1 Boy cannot be a Friend. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I have just read somewhere, don't know in newspapaer or online, that 1 Girl and 1 Boy cannot be a Friend. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It's only a bad thought or mentality, which I never believe :evil: :evil: :evil:

We may have many friends of opposite sex. Yet, only one will be our special. It may be spouse too

Meera sandhu
A boy and a girl can be friends for ever. If their minds are not polluted one

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I have just read somewhere, don't know in newspapaer or online, that 1 Girl and 1 Boy cannot be a Friend. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It's only a bad thought or mentality, which I never believe :evil: :evil: :evil:

We may have many friends of opposite sex. Yet, only one will be our special. It may be spouse too

I completely agree. I had many female friends in the past and we never have such thoughts in our self that boys and girls can't be friend.

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