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Sometimes we may act against our wishes to find it later...we were right!!!
Many times, I got that pleasure of belated happiness. Yes, some sacrifices give us happiness later, if we have done those things with our will. sure

Meera sandhu
Many times till now....can't even count it......most for the benefit of our dear ones.
I think, All ladies are so.....
before marriage for parents and brothers....
once married they give first preference to husband and kids. So, it's sure, it happen several times :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8073]}

Actually, I never want to see my parents worried for me.......

So, in my childhood days, even if I really want something, I never ask them.
Also, if they tell about their financial troubles......I say OK.
My brother was just opposite :cheer:
So, he gets everything and me, hide everything inside.

It was during my degree life, that I asked something to my parents first time with great desire. I now can't remember what is it. Second thing I asked was a PC for during final sem proj for degree. Yet, when they told about their financial troubles I left the desire.
Whole MCA also, I studied without a PC and during study days before exam, I used to go to my friends' home to do practicals....even I completed my fifth sem project in my friend's home......continuously for 1 month which was 40-50 kms away from my home and I travel almost 100 kms daily.

I really appreciate that. You had done a great sacrifice. I know how much important it is to have a computer when you are studying a course like MCA since I have completed my BCA recently (there are many things that needs to be done practically).
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Many times till now....can't even count it......most for the benefit of our dear ones.
I think, All ladies are so.....
before marriage for parents and brothers....
once married they give first preference to husband and kids. So, it's sure, it happen several times :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8073]}

Actually, I never want to see my parents worried for me.......

So, in my childhood days, even if I really want something, I never ask them.
Also, if they tell about their financial troubles......I say OK.
My brother was just opposite :cheer:
So, he gets everything and me, hide everything inside.

It was during my degree life, that I asked something to my parents first time with great desire. I now can't remember what is it. Second thing I asked was a PC for during final sem proj for degree. Yet, when they told about their financial troubles I left the desire.
Whole MCA also, I studied without a PC and during study days before exam, I used to go to my friends' home to do practicals....even I completed my fifth sem project in my friend's home......continuously for 1 month which was 40-50 kms away from my home and I travel almost 100 kms daily.

I really appreciate that. You had done a great sacrifice. I know how much important it is to have a computer when you are studying a course like MCA since I have completed my BCA recently (there are many things that needs to be done practically).

yes, it was a sacrifice since I don't want to give more troubles to my parents. They were paying high fees too, every semester :) :)

Meera sandhu
Of course there is a lot of happiness in giving, I wouldn't call it sacrifice because you are doing it willingly ! Life is full of compromises and many times we have to give and act against our wishes so that a balance is maintained ...what matters is the ultimate outcome of such an action !

This might sound arrogant but this is hard for me to act against my will. I can do it just for a few of my most loved ones' sake, none else.

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We always remember our sacrifices.
Only a few time do we remember about other people's wishes sacrificed for our happiness. So, let us think so, if we sometime need to act against our wishes.........

Meera sandhu
Whole life, I have acted against my wishes.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Of course there is a lot of happiness in giving, I wouldn't call it sacrifice because you are doing it willingly ! Life is full of compromises and many times we have to give and act against our wishes so that a balance is maintained ...what matters is the ultimate outcome of such an action !

Santi om santi. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Nice Mantra

It takes care of all situations in life ! :cheer: I guess when we do things against our wish , this is what we have to chant to make it easier for ourselves LOL :laugh:

On second thoughts, I guess after a while we might like it ,if it is something that we are doing for those who are close to us ...Never say never in life !!! :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Of course there is a lot of happiness in giving, I wouldn't call it sacrifice because you are doing it willingly ! Life is full of compromises and many times we have to give and act against our wishes so that a balance is maintained ...what matters is the ultimate outcome of such an action !

Santi om santi. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Nice Mantra

It takes care of all situations in life ! :cheer: I guess when we do things against our wish , this is what we have to chant to make it easier for ourselves LOL :laugh:

On second thoughts, I guess after a while we might like it ,if it is something that we are doing for those who are close to us ...Never say never in life !!! :huh:

Well, that's the way we should go if we have to keep acting against our own wishes, that would be better for our health! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Of course there is a lot of happiness in giving, I wouldn't call it sacrifice because you are doing it willingly ! Life is full of compromises and many times we have to give and act against our wishes so that a balance is maintained ...what matters is the ultimate outcome of such an action !

Santi om santi. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Nice Mantra

It takes care of all situations in life ! :cheer: I guess when we do things against our wish , this is what we have to chant to make it easier for ourselves LOL :laugh:

On second thoughts, I guess after a while we might like it ,if it is something that we are doing for those who are close to us ...Never say never in life !!! :huh:

Well, that's the way we should go if we have to keep acting against our own wishes, that would be better for our health! :)

Did you ever hear me say 'no' while my kiddo ever wanted to act me against my wish. She managed her say every time and now is turn of the little one, beti to beti beta uska bhi baap. :laugh: :laugh:

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