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Hmmm... Do you think he will give me appointment from his busy schedule..

@sarala... I was telling that we should get some discount/relief from what we don't want to do.

That would be arrogance if I said I never did. Yes I did but only when it was absolutely unavoidable for the sake of my family or organization. I did it with a protest.

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Its rare when i was not married i was owner of my own but now when i have a family sometimes i have to dance on their tunes also. :woohoo:
[quote]Its rare when i was not married i was owner of my own but now when i have a family sometimes i have to dance on their tunes also.[/quote]
Very sad indeed.
We get swayed by so many things while deciding on our wishes so it's not bad to act against our wishes at times for a greater worthy cause!
Well said @ Chinmoy I never regret that what I wished didn't happen as its part of life and always things won't be on our side. But I feel that if its in our hands we should'nt compromise and leave it for the benefits of others.
I think its part and parcel of life. Life is not always we wish it should be.. You just need to enjoy sometimes going against your wishes. Its a new lesson everytime

True... But there should be discount in it always... :laugh: he he

Ha haa.. You can talk to chitragupt.. He is God's sales executive. :evil: :evil:

Ha ha ha! you can probably try bribing Chitragupt for some discount!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Well said @ Chinmoy I never regret that what I wished didn't happen as its part of life and always things won't be on our side. But I feel that if its in our hands we should'nt compromise and leave it for the benefits of others.

True!! I agree!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I think its part and parcel of life. Life is not always we wish it should be.. You just need to enjoy sometimes going against your wishes. Its a new lesson everytime

That's a very pragmatic take on it!
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Many many many times ! I have had to do it for some reason or the other and sometimes even had the pleasure of being able to say 'I told you so ? :dry: when things dint turn out right !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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