The oldies will be in greater number than youngsters in coming few years.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I agree with you, in the future this will really happen.
Interesting Find.. Thanks for sharing Gulshanji..

Its really very interesting to know the info. Thanks for sharing this information. :cheer:

Already in Japan old age people are high in number. May be, in India, it will be happened in coming few years.
It is a good sign about our life period.Thanks for such nice information.
That is good if we see in terms of population it means the rate of increase in population is decreasing.People are trying to control population by not having more than 2 kids. :)
The oldies will be in greater number than youngsters in coming few years.

A few months ago, I have read this article in Malayalam newspaper, telling the imbalance ratio. Yes, it's true as atomic families are arising all around

Meera sandhu
Yes atomic families are increasing day by day.But i did not understand what is the relation of it with the topic. :unsure:
I think due to better health facilities old people are getting facilities and they are living longer life.

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It is necessary to utilize services of oldies and gain by their experience. They retire from active service at age of sixty years and those in business transfer their responsibility to the young.

If the oldies busy themselves in social work and consultancy services, they will be of great help to society and will themselves also remain happier, healthier and be free from frustration and isolation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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