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Some of the effects are not eye sight related but behavior and posture etc. Some times a person who sits in front of a computer for longer time continually may find changes in his temperament.

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This is bad news. Actually I also feel little pain after continuously typing the keys for 2 hours. My eyes starts paining and I feel stress. It is tiresome.
You mean it can effect everyone no matter how careful they are ? I thought that with some precautions one can take care without having any permanent damage to our eyes

That is for sure- there are some bad side effects of computers however alert you are.

I guess that is so ! I really wonder what happens to those who spend something like 12 - 14 hours in front of their computers each day .I hope they take some preventive measures...

Well, I too have worked for 15-16 years in front of computers, with 16-18 hour workdays on most days, but yet I have taken care of eyes well and never had any problems so far. If we take care to consciously look away from the screen for a couple of minutes between regular intervals of 15-20 minutes and blink our eyes, we won't have much problems, provided we also have sufficient lighting around us.

Yes , as long as one is consciously taking care it is fine.Most software personnel have to work on the computer for almost the whole day ..I guess ,it is also better to walk around once in a while just to get some exercise which may be good for the limbs and joints in the long run...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Every one who uses computer for longer hours does, still there are bad effects for sure maybe you do not feel them much right now.

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It is very difficult for to avoid the usage of computer. But i will try to cut the usage in future :) :)
Too much of nothing is good.If we spend much time in front of computer or TV our eyes started paining.This case happens with me alsoDoctors advise to take rest for few hours and then again we can continue.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Taking short breaks or doing another task in between has been advised by many doctors...but the point is that computers and the internet is very addictive and people lose count of the number of hours they spend in front of the computer ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Taking short breaks or doing another task in between has been advised by many doctors...but the point is that computers and the internet is very addictive and people lose count of the number of hours they spend in front of the computer ...

True, that is why everyone must train themselves to look away from the screen every 15 minutes and blink fast for half a minute! and to remember to get up and stretch!! But it does take mind control!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yes, kalyaniji, all these are very helpful for the people who spend more time infront fo the computer. or else eye will become dry and sticky and tired. I am adding one in your list. While working on the computer, your eye level should be above the screen not below the screen, so that the water inside your lashed will be flowing everytime at down direction to keep eye wet and not to dry. As you see down when your screen is below your eye level, then the water from your lashes will flow down and your eyes wont get dry. But if your screen is above your eye level then you need to see up so that your eyes will become dry

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is very difficult for to avoid the usage of computer. But i will try to cut the usage in future :) :)

yes very, very difficult in this modern age
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