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It is very essential to save for our future.We must enjoy in today's life but within limit.My husband is very conscious regarding the saving.

What I feel that if you are not in a government job where they give you enough all through your life, you must save 40% of your income in such a manner that it becomes double in 4-6 years.

Yes thats right ! If not 40% , even a steady saving of 12% saved all through your working years becomes a huge amount as we can see from the provident fund contributions , which anyway pays much less....

My father gave me some good tips about saving- I started purchasing PO Vikas Patra every month for a fixed value when it took five years to double the amount. I bought them five years, every month. And reinvested every time on maturity after five years..So the system worked like this
after 5 years-1=2
after ten years-2=4
after 15 years 4=8
after 20 years 8=16
so at the end of 20 years whatever you invested for first 5 years converted in to 16, even if some one invested only 2000/ per month he would get 32000/ per month and if one can reinvest half of it and spend half of it the cycle will go on. I have not taken in to account the other savings.

Thats really wise sunil, and if the amount gets compounded the returns would be even larger starting the saving habit early is the best way of ensuring that you have your cake and eat it as well.. :cheer: no worries for the future! Thankfully my children have got on to it right at the beginning without my having to tell them...

The chart given above is one time saving renewed after every maturity and compounded.

Oh Ok sunil, that is good, so the earlier you begin the better for your future,even a small amount saved steadily goes a long way right ?

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

When i will start earning, I would try to have a good life. I will have saving, because, that is important. I don't want to live a life of unprotected.

Yes definitely, you have to save at least a part of your saving and if you go through sunil's posts you will realise how it multiplies over the years :) one should have a balance between the present and future..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

We must all save our money for future.Now we can work.We have the capability to work and earn our living but as soon as we will become old we will not be able to be so strong.So better to save for future.

Sharmistha Banerjee
There is the story of an old man who kept on saving most of his income all through his working life keeping himself and his family in near poverty state, only to find that they all had grown bitter and dejected in life because they knew that he could have given them a better it is better to strike a balance,today counts a lot more than what may or may not happen tomorrow.Make the most of today and make some provisions for tomorrow as well...

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G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Fine sir. As you suggest... :) :)

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
I love to roam about here and there.I visited many places of India.But this doesn't mean that I am wasting my money.i just keep a part of my earning aside and with the rest of the money I run my family and do some refreshment.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Long term plans are necessary in our life If they are not there we cannot live tomorrow. :) :)

Thank You,
Vyas.. :) :)

Funny videos on youtube...check it out friends...
I think it has to be a reasonable mix of the two. Need to have some money saved for emergencies. but also need to plan some vacation time and trips to enjoy. making good memories. You never know what life is going to bring.

Sharmistha Banerjee

I love to roam about here and there.I visited many places of India.But this doesn't mean that I am wasting my money.i just keep a part of my earning aside and with the rest of the money I run my family and do some refreshment.

I think it has to be a reasonable mix of the two. Need to have some money saved for emergencies. but also need to plan some vacation time and trips to enjoy. making good memories. You never know what life is going to bring.

I agree, We have to give priority to all aspects in our life and travelling is an enriching experience for which we have to keep aside a part pf our income and make use of it...I too feel that travel should be a priority when you make your budget. If we distribute the income with care, it is possible to make provisions for both present and the future...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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