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Here also too much of powercuts in tamilnadu. cant able to tolerate this. i dont have invertor also
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Here also too much of powercuts in tamilnadu. cant able to tolerate this. i dont have invertor also

At Agra, most people have invertor as well as voltage stabilizer. Apart from power cuts, voltage also fluctuates.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

oh..that is great. Here also heavy voltage fluctuations are frequent.
Here also too much of powercuts in tamilnadu. cant able to tolerate this. i dont have invertor also

At Agra, most people have invertor as well as voltage stabilizer. Apart from power cuts, voltage also fluctuates.

Half hour or one hour power cuts at nights of summer season.....can't tolerate. Yet Keralites have adjusted with it years befoer :P :P :P :P

Meera sandhu
Here 2 hours power cut at the same time. monthly once the time will change. one whole day power cut also in one month
Here 2 hours power cut at the same time. monthly once the time will change. one whole day power cut also in one month

For us, time changes every week,
Government is unpunctual in everything except power cuts :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
For us too times chances not week for day. The power department announces some time and the local power department people will take according to their wish and they follow the main department timings also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

For us too times chances not week for day. The power department announces some time and the local power department people will take according to their wish and they follow the main department timings also

Am saying about daily powercuts at nights during summers when power is short.

They switch off our power for 1 hour or half hour every night between 6.30 to 10. It may continue for months.
If this week, power goes at 6.30 pm, next week it will be at 7. Next week 7.30 pm.

Sometimes, it may continue even for more than 1 year. \So people have accepted such 'daily cuts'.

Till last month, we had power cuts. I think it started in march.

Meera sandhu
There are no fixed time or schedule for power cut in our area, this depends on the power available but they impose a cut for 6-10 hours a day. In rural areas the power cut is more than this.

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These days every place in North India is bearing hot waves and its more irrittaing that government is not able to provide electricity to the consumers as per their demand. :evil: Recently it was declared that in UP shops and other commercial areas will remain closed till 7:00 PM and will open after 11:00 AM in the morning so that the electricity saved from this can be compensated for domestic region but on the next day only it was cancelled. :laugh: Don't you think these politicians take decisions so early and take back after they get opposed for it. :dry: :blink:

yes,i heard this news in TV.
May be the politicians would had thought the decision taken was wrong.

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