All people have problems in marriage life so is divorce a only solution to get rid of these problems :evil: .Recently one of my neighbor's daughter got married and with in 5 months she came back home and has been living with her parents from last 6 months.Don't you its too less time she gave to think over the relationship :evil: as now they are on the verge of divorce and there are possibility they will have it in a month or so. :blink: I know when things get worsened heavily one has the option of divorce only but these days people take it as a weapon to get rid of the partner and even don't think of the future of their kids if they have. :evil: What do you say? :blink:
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I have quoted in another thread about my dearest friend who lived with her husband just for 1 month. Still now, I don't feel she is right.
Divorces are Ok, if relations given a lot of time....yet solutions can't be made!!!

We should never break relations in a sudden decision

Meera sandhu
Look, divorce can be a solution and also a problem. It all depends on the complexities of a marital relationship. Divorce on flimsy and frivolous grounds are best avoided!
Sudden decisions are always bad and we realize it afterwards may be those who take decision in haste particularly in relationship repent for it future :blink: .I always suggest people to try out to resolve problems as there are more problems people face when they are newly married as its not that easy to adapt as per someone else nature it takes time for people to understand new people. :)
No in my point of view divorce is not a solution we first try to handle the situation and at last moment we try to save it.
At first all relations are sweet as sugar. This means they are able to accept each other. As time passes by what happens???
It means....if there is a will....
So, if a bond was strong enough at first, sure, it can be carried out till end. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
At first all relations are sweet as sugar. This means they are able to accept each other. As time passes by what happens???
It means....if there is a will....
So, if a bond was strong enough at first, sure, it can be carried out till end. Isn't it?

We should maitain that sweetness throughout the life. And if we are not able to maintain it the relationship becomes a burden. :evil:

Therefore we must try to keep the bond tight and warm by love. :)
Ya sandhya it was true But good time spend in relation really maintain the relation till last.
All people have problems in marriage life so is divorce a only solution to get rid of these problems :evil: .Recently one of my neighbor's daughter got married and with in 5 months she came back home and has been living with her parents from last 6 months.Don't you its too less time she gave to think over the relationship :evil: as now they are on the verge of divorce and there are possibility they will have it in a month or so. :blink: I know when things get worsened heavily one has the option of divorce only but these days people take it as a weapon to get rid of the partner and even don't think of the future of their kids if they have. :evil: What do you say? :blink:

I too feel that youngsters these days have no patience and are not ready to adjust and compromise to a certain extent, this has to be done anywhere in life, not just within a marriage.Divorce can be a solution only when there is a long standing abusive relationship from which there is no hope of finding a amicable solution..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

:) :) :) :)

Never...All people have problems in marriage life so this is not only solution to get rid of problems. :) :) :) :)

Face the problem and win the race...Anger is not a courageous think..

see yaar, patience and adjustments is a real life.. ..Divorce is a western culture...we should not follow that...because We are Great Indians.... :P :P :P :P :P We are living in Maha Bharat....we have to follow our culture...enjoy life..

Ask justice from Lord...not from human court...

Prayer goes up and blessing comes down.. Lord can solve all problems...Trust Your God and leave all problems on his lotus feet.. :) :) :) :)

Worship the Lord always ..its our duty....

The Lord will guide you rest of the part...

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
:) :) :) :)

Never...All people have problems in marriage life so this is not only solution to get rid of problems. :) :) :) :)

Face the problem and win the race...Anger is not a courageous think..

see yaar, patience and adjustments is a real life.. ..Divorce is a western culture...we should not follow that...because We are Great Indians.... :P :P :P :P :P We are living in Maha Bharat....we have to follow our culture...enjoy life..

Ask justice from Lord...not from human court...

Prayer goes up and blessing comes down.. Lord can solve all problems...Trust Your God and leave all problems on his lotus feet.. :) :) :) :)

Worship the Lord always ..its our duty....

The Lord will guide you rest of the part...

That is not practical solution, Lord or god or who ever created us has too many things to take care of and not worry about our internal problems as well...When things go drastically wrong sometimes there is no way out but separate and be done with..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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