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:) :) :) :) Giving tips is for their to getting happy....If some waiters feel insult they will tell...then get back it and tell very good..they will feel more happy... :) :) :) :)

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
Ya you are right suni but cleaner also play the important role .........
cleaner is most important than waiter if it is not cleaned means we cannot eat there.

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Ya you are right and i say the same in upper so i suggest tip to cleaner as well as waiter........
Tip always goes to al people of the staff so I don't mind if this is waiter who collects it.

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I always prefer to give tip to the person who serves us the food.

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Besides there is no way you can give tip to cleaner, you can give to gatekeeper , cook and the waiter but the boys who clean are no where in the picture.

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