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Sometimes, even after knowing that other person loves him/her, he/she enjoys it pretending as if he/she knows nothing, sometimes even ignoring the other person. It's the most terrible pain in love. Isn't it?

but sometimes even after knowing you have to ignore because of several reasons like may be the person who likes you your bet friend likes him, may be you cant go in a relationship so better to ignore, may be you dont want to loose your friend as if he/she will come to know that you know that he/she loves you and your answer is no then it may affect your friendship.and so many other reasons also..

But any case....I don't feel, love becomes that much deep without mutual love..even if nothing communicated through words and look. What do you feel?
If two persons like the same person, if communications not happen, that love may die suddenly. But some untold loves do increase its intensity even if not revealed!!!!

Meera sandhu
Sometimes, even after knowing that other person loves him/her, he/she enjoys it pretending as if he/she knows nothing, sometimes even ignoring the other person. It's the most terrible pain in love. Isn't it?

but sometimes even after knowing you have to ignore because of several reasons like may be the person who likes you your bet friend likes him, may be you cant go in a relationship so better to ignore, may be you dont want to loose your friend as if he/she will come to know that you know that he/she loves you and your answer is no then it may affect your friendship.and so many other reasons also..

But any case....I don't feel, love becomes that much deep without mutual love..even if nothing communicated through words and look. What do you feel?
If two persons like the same person, if communications not happen, that love may die suddenly. But some untold loves do increase its intensity even if not revealed!!!!

di sometimes it becomes that much deep without communication and that is what we say untold remains in heart and somewhere it stays till you are alive.

Sometimes, even after knowing that other person loves him/her, he/she enjoys it pretending as if he/she knows nothing, sometimes even ignoring the other person. It's the most terrible pain in love. Isn't it?

but sometimes even after knowing you have to ignore because of several reasons like may be the person who likes you your bet friend likes him, may be you cant go in a relationship so better to ignore, may be you dont want to loose your friend as if he/she will come to know that you know that he/she loves you and your answer is no then it may affect your friendship.and so many other reasons also..

But any case....I don't feel, love becomes that much deep without mutual love..even if nothing communicated through words and look. What do you feel?
If two persons like the same person, if communications not happen, that love may die suddenly. But some untold loves do increase its intensity even if not revealed!!!!

di sometimes it becomes that much deep without communication and that is what we say untold remains in heart and somewhere it stays till you are alive.

But two persons having same the same feeling towards someone.... :unsure: :unsure:
May one a little bit more intense. Let us stand with that person's side :P :P

Meera sandhu
Love must be expressed other wise there is no meaning in love.

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Love must be expressed other wise there is no meaning in love.

Unrevealed love is something like denial of love ourselves, which may have got!!!!

Yet, I can't agree with you that untold love has no meanings!!

Actually it finds new meanings and definitions of love, than a revealed love can explain!!!
It often becomes a drop of blood that remains hidden as a shining pearl inside the deepest corridors of mind!!!!

Meera sandhu
baby wrote:

sarala di you havent suffered from that pain so you are saying so but ask someone who has.then you may realize.

Dear baby angel, I may not experience such pain, but i used to have alot of friends who used to feel pain in such situations, but i am the one who made them normal with my words. I made brain wash to them. I made them forget the pain and think about the good moments between the loved once and my friend. From then they got motivated and they started leading their life very happily.
dear Its a small span of life, so if some one reject you or you could not tell about your love, why to feel. just chill and be happy with what god gave you. then every moment of your life will filled with happiness.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

baby wrote:

sarala di you havent suffered from that pain so you are saying so but ask someone who has.then you may realize.

Dear baby angel, I may not experience such pain, but i used to have alot of friends who used to feel pain in such situations, but i am the one who made them normal with my words. I made brain wash to them. I made them forget the pain and think about the good moments between the loved once and my friend. From then they got motivated and they started leading their life very happily.
dear Its a small span of life, so if some one reject you or you could not tell about your love, why to feel. just chill and be happy with what god gave you. then every moment of your life will filled with happiness.

Excellent Words.Life is too big to live and still we can have our life with full of happiness.Yes,why to worry.

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baby wrote:

sarala di you havent suffered from that pain so you are saying so but ask someone who has.then you may realize.

Dear baby angel, I may not experience such pain, but i used to have alot of friends who used to feel pain in such situations, but i am the one who made them normal with my words. I made brain wash to them. I made them forget the pain and think about the good moments between the loved once and my friend. From then they got motivated and they started leading their life very happily.
dear Its a small span of life, so if some one reject you or you could not tell about your love, why to feel. just chill and be happy with what god gave you. then every moment of your life will filled with happiness.

Excellent Words.Life is too big to live and still we can have our life with full of happiness.Yes,why to worry.

Every person think so...till...he falls in love :S :S

Meera sandhu
I feel the all failures lovers should think in this manners i have mentioned above then there will be no suicides, murders and any other crimes.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

baby wrote:

sarala di you havent suffered from that pain so you are saying so but ask someone who has.then you may realize.

Dear baby angel, I may not experience such pain, but i used to have alot of friends who used to feel pain in such situations, but i am the one who made them normal with my words. I made brain wash to them. I made them forget the pain and think about the good moments between the loved once and my friend. From then they got motivated and they started leading their life very happily.
dear Its a small span of life, so if some one reject you or you could not tell about your love, why to feel. just chill and be happy with what god gave you. then every moment of your life will filled with happiness.

Excellent Words.Life is too big to live and still we can have our life with full of happiness.Yes,why to worry.

Every person think so...till...he falls in love :S :S

i too have supported many of my friends but when it comes to feeling then i dont agree with you.yes time can heal it but at that time and situation no one can feel that pain except the one who is going through.

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