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thats why parents should be much friendly and make their children be free and in limits with them. always treat your children with love

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ya in this way we make our children respective and good in study and all field.
yes, sasikanth you are absolutely right, untold and told love have their own value and excitement

yes sometimes excitement and sometimes sadness also when the person you love loves someone else.isint it?

No if it is true love then there will be no sadness, only excitement will be

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

thats why parents should be much friendly and make their children be free and in limits with them. always treat your children with love

Teaching your childrens with love will make the childrens understand the real values of life.
Childrens are attracted towards love.Wherever they get,they will be attracted.

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No if it is true love then there will be no sadness, only excitement will be

wont you feel bad if you see the person you really love loves someone know people often say i m happy to see my love happy with anyone else but their is a pain inside can be only understood by those who had fallen in love and this situation too.

YEs baby there will be little pain but as a true lover that person should enjoy the pain

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sometimes, even after knowing that other person loves him/her, he/she enjoys it pretending as if he/she knows nothing, sometimes even ignoring the other person. It's the most terrible pain in love. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
YEs baby there will be little pain but as a true lover that person should enjoy the pain

sarala di you havent suffered from that pain so you are saying so but ask someone who has.then you may realize.

Sometimes, even after knowing that other person loves him/her, he/she enjoys it pretending as if he/she knows nothing, sometimes even ignoring the other person. It's the most terrible pain in love. Isn't it?

but sometimes even after knowing you have to ignore because of several reasons like may be the person who likes you your bet friend likes him, may be you cant go in a relationship so better to ignore, may be you dont want to loose your friend as if he/she will come to know that you know that he/she loves you and your answer is no then it may affect your friendship.and so many other reasons also..

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