:( Recently my brother in law passed away and my sister in law had to undergo many degrading custom rituals because she became a widow. This makes m feel angry because men are not considered inauspicious if their wives die. Then why does the Hindu rules become biased when Christians and Muslims don't have any prejudice against widows?

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This is because it has become a culture. Its not that it is a problem with only one particular religion, but more or less it is been faced by many other religions in India.
Oh! I did not know that other religions also did the same thing.

I do not think this is a big issue any more. Women can re-marry if they wish so. But most of the women find it a problem due to insecurity especially for their kids. And to make the things worst women themselves are the biggest enemies of women in Indian society.

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we cant change the past, neither we can escape from our culture. the only thing we can do is refine old practices and delete wrong cultural practices by not following them.
Hindu religion originated in India and is in way affected by what Muslim or christian follow. Traditionally, Hindu women are always tied to male- father, husband or son. Chanakya said that a woman should never be independent.

I am against double standard in Hindu religion. There is restriction even on wearing good clothes and food on widows. The condition of Bengali widows in Vrindavan (Mathura)is pathetic. Once, the widows were killed by burning (Sati) with dead husband's body. Raja Ram Mohan Roy performed Herculean job of ending Sati.

Women need be economically self dependent and fight against all such injustice. As the men are dominant gender and bread winner, they enjoy higher social status. This needs be changed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Unless we are prepared to make drastic changes in our thinking and do them fast there is no chance in uplifting the situation of women in this country although we talk a lot.

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Educating and making women economically independent can really make a change in today's status of the women.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Educating and making women economically independent can really make a change in today's status of the women.

Yes every one is trying to do that and they are going up as well, one can see it the way women situation is taking a new dimension in this country.

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sunilji lets support your post with an example, our president of india
This is due to our society and our being narrow mindedness.People don't see widows the way a woman should be.People don't understand if her husband died its not due to her but its due to God's wish. :)

But now the things are changing a bit as now people are not that much cruel to a widow.I can relate an example: In my company there was a male who died due to illness leaving behind her wife and 2 kids of age 6 months and 2 year our company made an attempt to help his wife and gave a job to her in the organistaion and she since then is working here from last 15 years.Even our company has fixed a pension for her husband.And now she has been living happily. :)
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