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I am fully agree because one girl is very jealous to other girl...........

How can you agree????
Can you quote a few example before reaching at a conclusion????

Ya in my college life there are so many examples and they not want to share there answer in examination hall in jealous of getting higher mark.......... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

But what's its relation with widow??? :silly: :sick:

If in school they not show there answer only for getting higher marks then how we think in home they are not jealous to other girl... :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

But how is it related to our discussion topic? :P

Meera sandhu
But what's its relation with widow??? :silly: :sick:[/quote]
If in school they not show there answer only for getting higher marks then how we think in home they are not jealous to other girl... :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:[/quote]

This is not proper answer, in actual life where widows face problem women are the ones who make their lives hell. They impose so many restrictions on them.

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Ya you are true women are one if they want they break your house or build your house..........
All such rituals are been kept by men to underestimate women. But slowing all those are changing as now women and men are given same priority

In fact, the rituals do not underestimate women. Seemingly, these give women very high pedestal. Women are worshiped as 'deities'. Small girl children are feet washed, worshiped and feasted on Durga Ashtami. There is even shortage of small girls.

But this is all deceptive and double standard. No Yajna is complete without wife (Ardhangni). But the ground reality is that women are placed in disadvantageous position in many respects.

We have the weirdest of rituals in Hindu religion. The very same religion which go to the extent of worshipping them, had prescription for brutal savagery of burning widows!!
As our Country develop these type of under rituals are also exist from our Society.........
I want to know about muslim widows. Are they also treated bad?

Meera sandhu
I want to know about muslim widows. Are they also treated bad?

They also treated badly but not as hindu widows.... :huh: :huh: :huh:
I want to know about muslim widows. Are they also treated bad?

They also treated badly but not as hindu widows.... :huh: :huh: :huh:

What about their remarriage?
Can you say a few words?

Meera sandhu
I want to know about muslim widows. Are they also treated bad?

They also treated badly but not as hindu widows.... :huh: :huh: :huh:

What about their remarriage?
Can you say a few words?

There is also remarriage is done like your caste but it is not done on large scale..
I think this is over now, I have seen widows but they are treated in good manner too like other people, but if you see insulting behavior with widow , you should stop people to do so and protect them.
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