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They will see widowed women as a ghost when they come infront of them when they are going out. They will scold on her face about this.

But in the case of widowed men it is not followed.

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In a patriarchal society such not so civilized practices have been followed and many of our social reformers raised their strong voice from time to time with some results.We did even worst things to widowers in the name of 'Sutee' - and that too quoting scriptures which did not exist!
Hindu religion originated in India and is in way affected by what Muslim or christian follow. Traditionally, Hindu women are always tied to male- father, husband or son. Chanakya said that a woman should never be independent.

I am against double standard in Hindu religion. There is restriction even on wearing good clothes and food on widows. The condition of Bengali widows in Vrindavan (Mathura)is pathetic. Once, the widows were killed by burning (Sati) with dead husband's body. Raja Ram Mohan Roy performed Herculean job of ending Sati.

Women need be economically self dependent and fight against all such injustice. As the men are dominant gender and bread winner, they enjoy higher social status. This needs be changed.

Isn't it Manu who wrote Manushastra...
First three sentences, I can't quote.....It says, at childhood, father protects a girl, at youth her husband and at old age, son. so, "na stree swaathantraym arhathi"(So, a woman doesn't deserve freedom)...actually, that sentence only was misinterpreted, leaving all the other sentences of that quote.....
He only meant, a woman should always be protected by anyone

Meera sandhu
We can see many girl widows in undeveloped areas. Their parents will do marriage in small age with old man she will definitely become widow.

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Hindu religion originated in India and is in way affected by what Muslim or christian follow. Traditionally, Hindu women are always tied to male- father, husband or son. Chanakya said that a woman should never be independent.

I am against double standard in Hindu religion. There is restriction even on wearing good clothes and food on widows. The condition of Bengali widows in Vrindavan (Mathura)is pathetic. Once, the widows were killed by burning (Sati) with dead husband's body. Raja Ram Mohan Roy performed Herculean job of ending Sati.

Women need be economically self dependent and fight against all such injustice. As the men are dominant gender and bread winner, they enjoy higher social status. This needs be changed.

Isn't it Manu who wrote Manushastra...
First three sentences, I can't quote.....It says, at childhood, father protects a girl, at youth her husband and at old age, son. so, "na stree swaathantraym arhathi"(So, a woman doesn't deserve freedom)...actually, that sentence only was misinterpreted, leaving all the other sentences of that quote.....
He only meant, a woman should always be protected by anyone

Manu is author of 'manusmriti'. Manusmriti is Hindu Law. This favors the higher castes and male. Punishment for same crime is light for Brahmin and severe for lower caste. Many provisions of manusmriti favor men as against women.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Actually, I don't know much about Manusmrithi. Only thing I know is, people have misinterpreted his sayings to treat women as slaves :angry:

Meera sandhu
Now we are in 21st century and in modern world generation so there is nothing like a widow should not get remarry and all. Even in villages also they are performing remarriage to the widows

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I am against this rule which the widow has to face.
In our hindu culture,i don't understand why only Women has to face with many issues. Its really bad.

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Now we are in 21st century and in modern world generation so there is nothing like a widow should not get remarry and all. Even in villages also they are performing remarriage to the widows

Yes,We people are now opening ourselves and removing those rituals from the widow,but still there are some villages,where the women is treated like a hell.

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All such rituals are been kept by men to underestimate women. But slowing all those are changing as now women and men are given same priority

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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