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That's right as long as you learn some thing from your past mistakes but living in past has nothing to do with correcting them in future because living in past means you doing exactly the same what you had been doing in past. That would not help your cause unless you were doing all good things and intend to the same allover again.

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According to my guru, yesterday is a cancelled check and tomorrow is a promissory note. so, live today, act right to make a better future.

According to my guru, yesterday is a cancelled check and tomorrow is a promissory note. so, live today, act right to make a better future.

Yes you are right a cancelled cheque only took some amount out of your account. So we should always try to deposit some thing in our accounts by doing some thing right in this moment.

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I have seen a few cases during our Psychiatric posting who developed psychiatric problems just because the kept on recalling their painful past experiences.
They are all kind of good and bad in every one's past. This is good to take good and leave past behind.

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"Living in past" can really help a History teacher to become best in their field.:)
Why history teacher only? What about archaeological, geography and more people interested in such subjects. Past is past and just remember the positives of the same.

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Past can help in the statistics to plan for the future.
Okay I agree with you.

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Past can help in the statistics to plan for the future.

Yes past sometime is helpful to make better future as we learn from the mistakes we did in the past. :)
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