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If you live in your past, you will become history sooner than you think!!!

Meera sandhu
The part of the past has to be relived only when it meaningfully relates to the present or the future!
Whatever, living in past has no meaning unless you want to live in dreams and nothing else to do.

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Junking the entire past would not be a wise thing! How often we save ourselves by just remembering and not committing our past mistakes!
That is learning from the past, living in past means not coming out of it.

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That is learning from the past, living in past means not coming out of it.

Its idiomatic meaning does suggest a 'Rip Van Winkle' personality!
That fella was afraid of his wife and could have done any thing. :laugh:

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Yes definetely we can say one example the projects which we have done previously is helpful to us when we are doing the same type ones.

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Living in past is no way helpful, one must look forward and set goals for future.

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