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Past can help in the statistics to plan for the future.

Yes past sometime is helpful to make better future as we learn from the mistakes we did in the past. :)

Only that much, past can make you aware about mistakes you committed. If we only remember them that is the right way of learning from them.

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Everyone says we should forget the past, but the truth is that our present and future is laid on the basement of past. We need not stay in that basement, but should never forget our experiences, which will surely help us in future. It's true, even our studies and knowledge lies in the past which we implement in our present for our future :)

Meera sandhu
We must forget past which is more hurt us but not good things.

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Past is always past, we can learn from the past mistakes. Definitely past will help us to improve in present. Nothing other than else
Past is past we cannot bring the time back but we can use experiences which we got in past.

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Yes that is the best way to come out of it. Just take the good out of it and leave bad behind. That is the best choice.

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We must forget past which is more hurt us but not good things.

Yes we must forget that past which hurt us and should only remember those which could make us happy and could make us more mature. :whistle:
We must forget past which is more hurt us but not good things.

Yes we must forget that past which hurt us and should only remember those which could make us happy and could make us more mature. :whistle:

Many bad paths that we travelled before, we should not forget . Yet we should never bury ourselves in the past :sick:

Meera sandhu
One should learn from bad doings, there is no use living in past.

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We must forget past which is more hurt us but not good things.

Yes we must forget that past which hurt us and should only remember those which could make us happy and could make us more mature. :whistle:

Many bad paths that we travelled before, we should not forget . Yet we should never bury ourselves in the past :sick:

No we should forget the past even the bad things and start as freash of course they make us mature and give us learning not to repeat them but to think always the past only stress us don't give anything good to us. :)
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