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Yes, I believe in miracles. Sometime I am caught in such situations in which I feel like miracle happens right now.
Actually we regard something as miracle if we are not able to perceive it through our senses.

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[quote]usha manohar wrote:
Most people think of super natural power when they talk about miracles.I personally do believe in the miracles of nature since it is so unpredictable and all powerful. It controls our life completely ..other than that sometimes life does give you some pleasant surprises quite unexpectedly which seems like a miracle to us ..

Coincidence or sudden chaanges in our life we call it as miracle.Nothing much we can do for it rather calling them as miracle.We often say it is done by God if it is good and done by some evil spirit/curse if it is bad.But i would call it as a luck of the person.

There are a lot of events, incidents etc. that we call as miracles. Sometimes there is a simple explanation for those, sometimes there is not not> To understand them will really be tough and sometimes I feel that instead of seeking for explanation, just sit back and enjoy them, at least nature's miracles. But for some that are hailed as miracles by many, especially that are declared so by godmen, it would be foolishness to call them miracles that are lead by blind faith![/quote]

But people always fall for it , such is the power and sway of religion and Godmen.Near my home there used to bean old tree which suddenly attained a lot of importance for no reason at all supposed to have done some miraculous things to some people .Today a small temple like structure has been built around it and when the corporation officials wanted to remove it there was such a lot of noise from the so called believers...The stories are spreading and plenty of money is coming in for someone who is managing the whole show ! :huh: :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Many miracles have been happend in my life.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Many miracles have been happend in my life.

Give some incidents which happened to be miracle in your life. :blink:
I have never seen any miracle. I believe in good luck and fate. May be, miracles take place. I have read in stories and heard people talking about some incidents. That's all.
Many miracles have been happend in my life.

Give some incidents which happened to be miracle in your life. :blink:

I have seen babies born with two heads, four legs, joint together known as Sayami twins, don't you think these are miracles?

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Many miracles have been happend in my life.

Give some incidents which happened to be miracle in your life. :blink:

I have seen babies born with two heads, four legs, joint together known as Sayami twins, don't you think these are miracles?

These are not miracles but abnormal features of born babies. Such abnormalities occur almost every year at some places. Nothing is perfect any where. even in nature. so time to time, such events also happen.

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Many miracles have been happend in my life.

Give some incidents which happened to be miracle in your life. :blink:

I have seen babies born with two heads, four legs, joint together known as Sayami twins, don't you think these are miracles?

Do you think this to be a miracle? :blink:

This is abnormality which occurs in many babies though we come to know about few ones only.

Miracle is a supernatural event attributed to action by a deity, or a miracle worker, saint, or religious leader.Its useless to believe in miracles.I don't believe all this.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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