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We also can do miracles if we had a lot of practice we can see in movies.

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Yes I had strong beleif in miracles. But it is not known to many people now a days but the babas can do it like a magic.

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Yes I had strong beleif in miracles. But it is not known to many people now a days but the babas can do it like a magic.

No Babas don't do any magics they just make people fool and the baba who make more people fool is believed to be the good one. :laugh:
Yes I never believe that any thing like miracle happens. If this was true they would never tell you about it, but took all the advantage themselves.

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Yes I never believe that any thing like miracle happens. If this was true they would never tell you about it, but took all the advantage themselves.

We should define miracle only something as exceptional or excellent and not in some divine way that just deceives. For example, there is a drunkard who does no work and beats his wife or children. But he realizes his mistakes and makes tremendous improvement in his conduct. This may be considered as miracle.

But miracles- somebody coming to life again, some one swallowing Sun, some comic character measuring entire universe in three steps- are wholly unacceptable. Belief in such miracles enables fake religious personalities to cheat people in name of 'third eye', 'art of living', and so on.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes I never believe that any thing like miracle happens. If this was true they would never tell you about it, but took all the advantage themselves.

We should define miracle only something as exceptional or excellent and not in some divine way that just deceives. For example, there is a drunkard who does no work and beats his wife or children. But he realizes his mistakes and makes tremendous improvement in his conduct. This may be considered as miracle.

But miracles- somebody coming to life again, some one swallowing Sun, some comic character measuring entire universe in three steps- are wholly unacceptable. Belief in such miracles enables fake religious personalities to cheat people in name of 'third eye', 'art of living', and so on.

But this world is full of people who even in 21st century may fall for them and even pay them money and their time for wrong faiths. Can you help them? NO big NO. And our so called educated are not exceptions.

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We should avoid superstitious but which have some scientific reason we should follow it.
Unexpected Surprise ... It can't be count as miracle in all cases. Miracle is something that rarely happen.. And yes I believe in it. :)

Yes I never believe that any thing like miracle happens. If this was true they would never tell you about it, but took all the advantage themselves.

We should define miracle only something as exceptional or excellent and not in some divine way that just deceives. For example, there is a drunkard who does no work and beats his wife or children. But he realizes his mistakes and makes tremendous improvement in his conduct. This may be considered as miracle.

But miracles- somebody coming to life again, some one swallowing Sun, some comic character measuring entire universe in three steps- are wholly unacceptable. Belief in such miracles enables fake religious personalities to cheat people in name of 'third eye', 'art of living', and so on.

But this world is full of people who even in 21st century may fall for them and even pay them money and their time for wrong faiths. Can you help them? NO big NO. And our so called educated are not exceptions.

The faith in superstitions, divine pleasure or wrath, gods, demons and good or evil spirits is deep rooted and even the 'educated' cannot get rid of. Hence, the 'divine power' brokers exploit them.

The voice of sanity, reason and rationality is too feeble against the vast ocean of irrationality. A few years back, the great Scientist and former President also attended and addressed a gathering organized by shri, shri, shri.... Ravi Shankar. If the most famous scientist can support one 'divine' agent exploiting the super rich in five star seminars in name of so called Art of living, there is no reason why other divine agents like Nirmal Baba not get encouragement.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Actually people are going through so many stresses that even the slightest of ray of hope can turn them in to herd of sheep who follow each other expecting some thing miraculous is going to happen.

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