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Silence - I believe - is a powerful idiom and it all depends on the person who practices it! Silence can be golden in various situations. we have various kinds of it. It can be stupid, wise,expressive and inexpressive! Silence could be an expression of agreement or disagreement! It could be one of indulgence or anger!
Silence - I believe - is a powerful idiom and it all depends on the person who practices it! Silence can be golden in various situations. we have various kinds of it. It can be stupid, wise,expressive and inexpressive! Silence could be an expression of agreement or disagreement! It could be one of indulgence or anger!

So many interpretations :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Entammo..... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Silence could be to keep some one safe from getting in to problems. Some people take to silence to keep others away from getting into awkward situations.

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Many time silent means many things and we remain silent to mean manythings.
Many time silent means many things and we remain silent to mean manythings.

What is this 'many thing'? Can you explain? :silly: :blink:

Meera sandhu
He is saying be silent when ever you required to complete your work.

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I prefer to be silent when I heard a foolish question or a question without common sense :dry:

What is a foolish or senseless question? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

It happens with me and I really get mad but keep silent. :whistle:

At present I can't recollect any, will tell you the next incident :laugh:
I prefer to be silent when I heard a foolish question or a question without common sense :dry:

What is a foolish or senseless question? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

It happens with me and I really get mad but keep silent. :whistle:

At present I can't recollect any, will tell you the next incident :laugh:

Tell the truth.....who ask foolish or senseless or Anil chettan? :evil: :evil: :evil:
I think, I should ask him to get the answer, not you :P

Meera sandhu
The one whom I like makes me silence and it is the most wonderful moment I would alwas cherish
When any one shout on me and when I feel depressed then that moment make me to be silent

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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