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Being silent will always helps us to gather more information. And also we can improve our thinking knowledge by being silent. :)

That is right, however hurt i never show it and keep silence because one day they suddenly realize about what is wrong and what is right.

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That is right, however hurt i never show it and keep silence because one day they suddenly realize about what is wrong and what is right.

Ofcourse, on that time they realise their mistake and think about us and come back to us. :cheer:

You know I never believe in false ego or displaying my own knowledge, I want to remain an ordinary person in online life. I maybe some thing in real world but that is another world not virtual. :cheer:

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Ya sarala sometime our speech are not effective than silence.
Thats what i said asha, instead of speach our silence speaks alot

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I would prefer to remain silent in this matter because there is no use talking while listening some thing wise. :cheer:

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Ya i also suggest when there any elder say something to us we have to remain silent.....
Being silent every time is good and speaking when necessary is much good for the people

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ya you are right and not only for people but for their health also.
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