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[quote]baby angel wrote:
for whatever it is but one thing is for sure that this is good for married women as on the name of this akshaya tritiya they are able to pick some more money out of their husband's pocket for buying gold jwellery.almost every lady in my house do so.from my aunt to my mother..

Ornaments on woman body do not differ from chain around animal's neck

Gulshan, this is a totally wrong statement. A woman wears ornaments to make herself feel more confident, glamorous and beautiful, and not for the sake of others! There is also a reason why wearing ornaments is considered important in our culture, it is basically a means to fall back on when the husband loses his job or money or all his possessions, sadly, many cultures have made them an emblem of social status.

But to liken it with chains that bind animals is too much exaggerated and far fetched![/quote]

With change in economic system, gold is not so important. The ornaments like nose ring appear very odd. I cannot bear the sight of women with nose rings. I pity women wearing so much gold or silver on their body. Also, there are some ornaments specifically for married women. These indicate that they are some one's property.

I remember that women lib in america had burnt bras as these were considered sign of women slavery. I believe that ornaments of gold or silver or bigger sign of slavery. Even the buffaloes do not understand that the chain is for enslaving. so with women with ornaments in nose, ears, neck, hands and feet.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I never buy gold. I buy anything when necessary. As regards investment, I deposit mainly in bank. I consider gold as useless. This has no real value and utility. The irrational craze for the yellow metal and traditions only give this value.

But I think gold is the best form of investment, following land. Of all loans, gold loan has least interest. If you are not interesting in buying ornaments, it's really great. You can save making charges. Yet, golden bars can never be placed in banks for loans. I understood it now only. :(

One point to be added. At my marriage in 2006, 8 gm gold cost only below 6000. Now it has reached 22,000 (8gms = 1 pavan). Is it not a good form of investment???

Meera sandhu
[quote]baby angel wrote:
for whatever it is but one thing is for sure that this is good for married women as on the name of this akshaya tritiya they are able to pick some more money out of their husband's pocket for buying gold jwellery.almost every lady in my house do so.from my aunt to my mother..

Ornaments on woman body do not differ from chain around animal's neck

Gulshan, this is a totally wrong statement. A woman wears ornaments to make herself feel more confident, glamorous and beautiful, and not for the sake of others! There is also a reason why wearing ornaments is considered important in our culture, it is basically a means to fall back on when the husband loses his job or money or all his possessions, sadly, many cultures have made them an emblem of social status.

But to liken it with chains that bind animals is too much exaggerated and far fetched!

With change in economic system, gold is not so important. The ornaments like nose ring appear very odd. I cannot bear the sight of women with nose rings. I pity women wearing so much gold or silver on their body. Also, there are some ornaments specifically for married women. These indicate that they are some one's property.

I remember that women lib in america had burnt bras as these were considered sign of women slavery. I believe that ornaments of gold or silver or bigger sign of slavery. Even the buffaloes do not understand that the chain is for enslaving. so with women with ornaments in nose, ears, neck, hands and feet.[/quote]

I agree with kalyani that gold adds beauty to woman. They should never be compared with animals :angry:
Earlier, ladies used to wear a lot of bangles, necklaces and rings. Now time has changed and of course girls. Now they are wearing simple chains and ear rings. It looks really nice

Meera sandhu
I never buy gold. I buy anything when necessary. As regards investment, I deposit mainly in bank. I consider gold as useless. This has no real value and utility. The irrational craze for the yellow metal and traditions only give this value.

But I think gold is the best form of investment, following land. Of all loans, gold loan has least interest. If you are not interesting in buying ornaments, it's really great. You can save making charges. Yet, golden bars can never be placed in banks for loans. I understood it now only. :(

One point to be added. At my marriage in 2006, 8 gm gold cost only below 6000. Now it has reached 22,000 (8gms = 1 pavan). Is it not a good form of investment???

I don't say that gold has no value. As long as there is demand, this will have value. But this has no real utility and the value is because of unreasonable and traditional lure for the yellow metal.

I dislike piercing of body parts. So, piercing of ears and nose or may be some other parts for ornaments is very disgusting to me. May be women like to bear the pain of piercing.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I never buy gold. I buy anything when necessary. As regards investment, I deposit mainly in bank. I consider gold as useless. This has no real value and utility. The irrational craze for the yellow metal and traditions only give this value.

But I think gold is the best form of investment, following land. Of all loans, gold loan has least interest. If you are not interesting in buying ornaments, it's really great. You can save making charges. Yet, golden bars can never be placed in banks for loans. I understood it now only. :(

One point to be added. At my marriage in 2006, 8 gm gold cost only below 6000. Now it has reached 22,000 (8gms = 1 pavan). Is it not a good form of investment???

I don't say that gold has no value. As long as there is demand, this will have value. But this has no real utility and the value is because of unreasonable and traditional lure for the yellow metal.

I dislike piercing of body parts. So, piercing of ears and nose or may be some other parts for ornaments is very disgusting to me. May be women like to bear the pain of piercing.

Women without ear rings.......never look great.
How much pain a woman has to suffer whole through her life. Just 'ear piercing' is nothing. :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Yes you are right Sandhya Women is great. ;) ;) ;) ;)

Earn money just for joining in this site.

We don't buy anything in Akshaya Trithiya,even we don't celebrate it. Some business men celebrate like new credit copy. We purchase some thing in Dhanterus,which celebrated in Kalipuja.
Yes you are right Sandhya Women is great. ;) ;) ;) ;)

Something wrong!!!!

Something has really happened to our Sasi...please help :S :S :S :S

Meera sandhu
[quote]Something has really happened to our Sasi...please help [/quote]

I think Gajani has already came and Sasi gone.
We had bad times in our life, we lost huge amount of money....were not even able to meet our daily expenses, after loan. 4 years before, just for fun, we bought 5 gm gold. But after that, till now, we didn't face money problems, though we couldn't save anything. So, I believe in Akshaya Thritiya.

Meera sandhu
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