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I never buy gold. I buy anything when necessary. As regards investment, I deposit mainly in bank. I consider gold as useless. This has no real value and utility. The irrational craze for the yellow metal and traditions only give this value.

But I think gold is the best form of investment, following land. Of all loans, gold loan has least interest. If you are not interesting in buying ornaments, it's really great. You can save making charges. Yet, golden bars can never be placed in banks for loans. I understood it now only. :(

One point to be added. At my marriage in 2006, 8 gm gold cost only below 6000. Now it has reached 22,000 (8gms = 1 pavan). Is it not a good form of investment???

I don't say that gold has no value. As long as there is demand, this will have value. But this has no real utility and the value is because of unreasonable and traditional lure for the yellow metal.

I dislike piercing of body parts. So, piercing of ears and nose or may be some other parts for ornaments is very disgusting to me. May be women like to bear the pain of piercing.

Women without ear rings.......never look great.
How much pain a woman has to suffer whole through her life. Just 'ear piercing' is nothing. :laugh: :laugh:

I can understand the natural labor pains. But why the deliberate pain like piercing of nose, ears and other parts and loading the body with unnecessary burden of yellow metal. If you derive pleasure in such pain, this may be masochistic tendency.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I never buy gold. I buy anything when necessary. As regards investment, I deposit mainly in bank. I consider gold as useless. This has no real value and utility. The irrational craze for the yellow metal and traditions only give this value.

But I think gold is the best form of investment, following land. Of all loans, gold loan has least interest. If you are not interesting in buying ornaments, it's really great. You can save making charges. Yet, golden bars can never be placed in banks for loans. I understood it now only. :(

One point to be added. At my marriage in 2006, 8 gm gold cost only below 6000. Now it has reached 22,000 (8gms = 1 pavan). Is it not a good form of investment???

I don't say that gold has no value. As long as there is demand, this will have value. But this has no real utility and the value is because of unreasonable and traditional lure for the yellow metal.

I dislike piercing of body parts. So, piercing of ears and nose or may be some other parts for ornaments is very disgusting to me. May be women like to bear the pain of piercing.

Women without ear rings.......never look great.
How much pain a woman has to suffer whole through her life. Just 'ear piercing' is nothing. :laugh: :laugh:

I can understand the natural labor pains. But why the deliberate pain like piercing of nose, ears and other parts and loading the body with unnecessary burden of yellow metal. If you derive pleasure in such pain, this may be masochistic tendency.

I don't like piercing nose and second ear rings...yet ladies without ear rings, they resemble males

Meera sandhu
I never buy gold. I buy anything when necessary. As regards investment, I deposit mainly in bank. I consider gold as useless. This has no real value and utility. The irrational craze for the yellow metal and traditions only give this value.

But I think gold is the best form of investment, following land. Of all loans, gold loan has least interest. If you are not interesting in buying ornaments, it's really great. You can save making charges. Yet, golden bars can never be placed in banks for loans. I understood it now only. :(

One point to be added. At my marriage in 2006, 8 gm gold cost only below 6000. Now it has reached 22,000 (8gms = 1 pavan). Is it not a good form of investment???

I don't say that gold has no value. As long as there is demand, this will have value. But this has no real utility and the value is because of unreasonable and traditional lure for the yellow metal.

I dislike piercing of body parts. So, piercing of ears and nose or may be some other parts for ornaments is very disgusting to me. May be women like to bear the pain of piercing.

Women without ear rings.......never look great.
How much pain a woman has to suffer whole through her life. Just 'ear piercing' is nothing. :laugh: :laugh:

I can understand the natural labor pains. But why the deliberate pain like piercing of nose, ears and other parts and loading the body with unnecessary burden of yellow metal. If you derive pleasure in such pain, this may be masochistic tendency.

I don't like piercing nose and second ear rings...yet ladies without ear rings, they resemble males

I often find that even police women wear bangles, nose rings and ear rings even on uniform. This is so disgusting as well as funny.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

[quote]I don't like piercing nose and second ear rings...yet ladies without ear rings, they resemble males[/quote]
Now many man also wearing ear rings.What will you say?
[quote]I don't like piercing nose and second ear rings...yet ladies without ear rings, they resemble males

Now many man also wearing ear rings.What will you say?[/quote]

This is very dangerous in our area. Our ladies are also not wearing gold :( these days.

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I have also seen many men wearing ear rings. But such men are usually less educated and wear ear rings traditionally. This is sign of backwardness. Many wear multiple rings on astrological advice. Such ornaments only display perverted thoughts and do not add to beauty.

Human body is beautiful by nature. Beauty needs no ornaments. Keep yourself clean and tidy. Man or woman- this gives beauty.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Very true, I also never use any ornaments myself, including ring. I am not wearing even a watch from 1992. Gold and other costly items are best safe in a bank locker these days.

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Actually I never wear gold ornaments except my 'Mangal soothra'... (What is it called in English?)and anklet. Years back I stopped wearing bangles and even wedding ring.I want my hands to be free, even if it's a function. Ear rings also, never use gold. At home, I never wear ear rings. Actually, our parents give us lot of golden ornaments at wedding. But the sad part is that we never use them except bangles. I have used a necklace only once in my life along with my 'thali', for a function (except wedding). Never...after that. I always wonder why ladies wear necklaces along with thalis ...also 5-10 bangles. :silly: :blink: I want to be simple :P

Meera sandhu
[quote]Actually I never wear gold ornaments except my 'Mangal soothra'... (What is it called in English?)and anklet. Years back I stopped wearing bangles and even wedding ring.I want my hands to be free, even if it's a function. Ear rings also, never use gold. At home, I never wear ear rings. Actually, our parents give us lot of golden ornaments at wedding. But the sad part is that we never use them except bangles. I have used a necklace only once in my life along with my 'thali', for a function (except wedding). Never...after that. I always wonder why ladies wear necklaces along with thalis ...also 5-10 bangles. I want to be simple [/quote]
So i am going to your house to collect some unused ornaments.Preeti likes it.
[quote]Actually I never wear gold ornaments except my 'Mangal soothra'... (What is it called in English?)and anklet. Years back I stopped wearing bangles and even wedding ring.I want my hands to be free, even if it's a function. Ear rings also, never use gold. At home, I never wear ear rings. Actually, our parents give us lot of golden ornaments at wedding. But the sad part is that we never use them except bangles. I have used a necklace only once in my life along with my 'thali', for a function (except wedding). Never...after that. I always wonder why ladies wear necklaces along with thalis ...also 5-10 bangles. I want to be simple

So i am going to your house to collect some unused ornaments.Preeti likes it.[/quote]

Don't worry. All are safe in bank locker :cheer:

Meera sandhu
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