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Yes due to this no one is getting benefit except the gold sellers but all are loosing money for unnecessary things.

Buyers also are benefited... as they are buying something worth....also can be seen as an investment

Meera sandhu
Investing in gold is really a good option and it can be good for our future life...Loosing money on other thing really does not matter.......
The prices of gold are again in raise few days back it fell and now it raisen.

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Ya now two thing price never down one gold and one land so invest in land is also a good option......................
Ya now two thing price never down one gold and one land so invest in land is also a good option......................

Yes, land can give you more return. But it needs a lot of money. But investment in gold can be done with a small amount also. That's the advantage of gold. Also, gold loans are cheap comparing to other loans. That's why all are switching their investments to gold, though they rarely wear it

Meera sandhu
Ya lands were costly but i think land give more return than gold..But both the choice are wise......
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